
物業地產 / 物業管理服務僑樂物業服務(中國)有限公司

Buy 3 get 1 free! Twilight Turtle - Constellation Nightlight Transform Any Room Into A Starry Night Sky The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval 2006 Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice iP

Alibre Design 11.0: Now Available! Alibre proudly offers the latest installment of its ground-breaking 3D CAD, Alibre Design version 11, which is now available to the public. Our latest performance e
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫普意科技有限公司

馨浪汽車香薰 - 香味包括有 "悠揚馨浪"、"山盟海誓"、"薰衣草" 等等,香味持久

If you are interested in buying any of our paintings, we offer you three choices: we will bring the painting (or paintings) to your home or office address for you to view it at your convenience; or y

Our vision is to deliver competitive advantages for enterprises and government organizations to progress by optimizing their information systems efficiency. C&T has the experience and knowledge o
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫IPL Research Limited

The I Consulting Group Limited (ICG) is a Hong Kong based company with service coverage in Singapore, London and Guangzhou . Being successful in today's world of business requires intelligence, innov
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫I Consulting Group Limited

HRA recruitment is the recruitment division of HR Associates Ltd. We are one of the leading recruiting experts in constructions, building, oil & gas and engineering in Asia. With our internationa
H商業 / 商業優惠H R Associates (H.K.) Limited

Manks Quarters Limited is the real estate arm of Manks Limited
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Manks Quarters

--> 大優惠 $688包全車三重水晶腊護理加送清潔消毒內籠服務超新到會汽車美容服務 特 點: 省時,方便和比一般汽車美容公司更 專業。因為一般汽車美容公司經常要 客人輪候數小時, 相當費時失時事和 質素不穩定時好時壞,所以我們正是 你們尊貴車主的明智之選。 現推出大優惠: 買一送二buy1get2,凡惠顧價值$688 之特級超亮三重水晶腊車身護理, 即 送價值$488藥水消毒坐椅和價值$488

大浩車行集團有限公司Water Motors Group Limited專營的士及小巴買賣,至今服務各車主已十多年,為客戶辦理的士及小巴買賣按揭分期﹑代理保險﹑代客收租托管的士小巴﹑維修及報稅等業務,為顧客提供“一條龍”售前及售後服務,協助顧客解決一切有關投資的士及小巴之困難。 我們的信念 大浩車行秉承“以客為先”的服務宗旨,提供方便快捷的優質服務

Locheer Group was an independent direct investment group established in Hong Kong since 1994. Locheer's key geographical focus is Hong Kong, Asia and China. We believe the Asia-Pacific is the most dy
L健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Locheer Healthcare centre

CAR8.com is one of the best website for trading cars, parts and related service website in Hong Kong. Launched in 2001, it provides a free trading platform all over the world. Registered members can

Chinese | English §Login UserName: Password: Add: Rm 15H,YongfuBuilding, Guoqi Tower, Shangbu S. Rood, Futian,Shenzhen, China. Web site: www.colorglobal.cn E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (852
C商業 / 會社、組織及團體Color Global Holdings Limited

Bridal Academy為Compass Education Group 企下學院,專屬舉辦婚禮及新娘化妝形象培訓課程,學院突天荒請來囍宴大師 - Jacco Yeung成為婚禮統籌首席導師,成為香港唯一一間由全職婚禮統籌師執教學院,以及星級化妝師Emma Lee 為化妝課程總監,導師陣容可謂星光熠熠。 於2009年更成為全港首間學院舉辦日校課程,令應屆中五及中七畢業生可接觸專業培訓。 『認
M美容 / 教學進修MS CHEUNG

HAIR BRAIDING & SETTING ☆ cornrows, milkmaids, and any other specific styles upon customer's requests. currently based in HONG KONG. interested? bookings @: email: [email protected] phone: 8529

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New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of Hong Kong trading corporation Well Truth (Holdings) Limited and was established in 1994. It is a professional group specializing in selling and dist
N汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd

Clean Air Services ( CAS ), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Clean Air Group (HK) Ltd., has engaged in air-conditioning design, installation and maintenance since the eighties. To cope with the todays
C商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Clean Air Services
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