
訂購熱線 +852 3597-6189 產品分類 花束 Bouquet 花球及襟花 Bouquet & Bridal Bouquet 開張花籃 Opening 白事花籃 Funeral 慶賀花籃 Gift 中秋果籃 Mid-autumn Spercial 訂購須知 付款方式 尊敬之花 優惠價: $780 懷念您 優惠價: $580 銘記於心 優惠價: $1280 安息 優惠價: $600

千禧情緣 專業設計師選用文竹及絲帶蝴蝶結裝飾新娘花束,花材包括黃色馬蹄蘭、情人果及沙巴葉等,另配以黃色馬蹄蘭新郎襟花一個,清雅怡人。 -->價格: HK$599 我願意 鮮花飾物包括新娘花球、新娘頭花及新郎襟花三件裝,專業設計師選用水晶布料及絲帶蝴蝶結裝飾新娘花球及頭花,花材包括玫瑰、較剪蘭、桔梗、荷蘭襯花及綠葉等,另配以玫瑰新郎襟花一個。新娘花球選用8吋高新娘喱士花托。 --> 價格: HK$
A鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Ambassador Flowers & Gifts Design

OVO GARDEN is a new attempt by OVO to promote stylish home décor that embraces the breath of nature. We carry an array of imported fresh flowers and plants, along with exquisitely designed acc

ITOS Resources aims to provide a wide range of IT technical supports and solutions to varies kinds of business and organization. By providing a single point of contact to clients for resolving all pr

3M 「思高潔」地氈/布藝防污處理劑是 3M 公司創新發明產品, 已有超過30年 歷史,風行全世界, 證明它只是一種有效和質優的產品, 它是一種無色無味的物質, 當處理後的物件,會有一層透明的物質保護, 能抗塵, 抗水, 抗油污,但又不會令你名貴的地氈/傢俬的顏色、質感和柔軟度有改變, 污垢只會停留在纖維的表面, 無法入侵纖維內, 當發現地氈或布藝傢俬弄污後只需要用濕布輕輕一抹就可將污垢清除,
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲精英服務地毯有限公司

IT-Missions.com Ltd. is an internationally recognized developer of point of sales systems to Hospitality Industry. Our specialist development teams focus on providing customized business solutions. F
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫IT-Missions.com Limited

We are a small cattery located in Hong Kong. We specialized in producing both Himalayan & Exotics, including colorpoint & lynx point. We are not a pet store and do not provide “stuck se

Wedding Package Imagine sparkling white marble, sensual coral pinks, calm blues, grand burgundy reds and through gracious windows, velvet greens. Imagine Parkview's exclusive setting to capture your
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living will Most people are frightened not so much by the fact of death as by the process of dying. A natural, peaceful death is much to be preferred over a meaningless and prolonged artificial exist
S商業 / 法律事務SAR International Limited. Professional Willwriters
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