The unique charming neighbourhood with winding streets is made up with lots of contemporary arts galleries. designer workshops. tradition antique shops, chic bars and cafes.
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Mier Serviced Apartments

The owner, Mr Victor Choi, is both a scholar and impassioned collector. With 25 years in business, his know-how and expertise goes beyond the purely theoretical. He owns two galleries on Hollywood Ro

Groovehouse Studio 位於香港, 提供家庭照、及各類攝影服務, 為客人創造最有紀念性家庭照或各類相片, 為你和家人留下紀念性一刻.
攝影及影音 / 攝影Groovehouse

China Pingyao International Photography Festival is the oldest and largest photography exhibition in China. Organizers: China Photographers Association, China Art Photographic Association, Red Cross

逸林畫廊提供選畫、鑲畫及選框服務.畫種超過十萬款,其 中包括抽象, 風景, 花, 動物, 人物, 等...為了客人方便. 客人可預約我們上門給予配畫意見 .現在歡迎你們即打電話 : 3188-9804. 或光臨本店, 開始藝術之旅 ! 逸 林 畫 廊 LEISURE GALLERY LIMITED 跑 馬 地 黃 泥 涌 道 95C 2號 店 TEL : 3188-9804 FAX : 3188
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