This phone is unlocked and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (check carrier frequency requirements)

Responsibilities: - Involve in all-round administrative function supporting. - Responsible for filing system and daily clerical duties. - Answering phone calls and jotting messages (any) for t
i商業 / 創業加盟iFree Group (HK) Limited

承接 平面設計,商標設計,印刷,攝影,繪畫。 印刷 : 咭片,信封,信紙,公文袋,便條,傳單,公司簡介,海報,發票,貼紙, 文件夾,說明書,電腦單,吊牌,現金券,折扣優惠券,餐牌,手抽紙袋,月曆,日記簿, 聖誕咭,賀年咭,請柬,結婚請帖,燙金,彩盒,包裝,利是封,書刊,條碼製作,原子印章, 易拉架,噴畫海報,戶外大型噴畫,電腦界字,膠片界字,膠袋絲印 .... 等各款印刷品,一站式一條龍製作, (
h商業 / 印刷hongkongdesigner

IGCSE, GCE, IB, MYP, IAL, AL 及DSE物理及數學科 耐性 精補 資深女老師

適合各類主題派對 , 聯誼聚會 , 私人影院 , 節日慶典 , 攝影場地 , 週年紀念 , 悠閒玩樂, 家庭日, 美女廚房... 或者係想 Hea下既朋友~! 場地設施:免費WiFi, 歡樂足球機 、3D電視, 大屏幕電視、私人影院、音響設備、PS3 、Wii、BluRay DVD Player 、小米、麻雀, 各色 Card & Board Game, 開放式廚房, 波波池, 滑梯, 玩具

適合各類主題派對 , 聯誼聚會 , 私人影院 , 節日慶典 , 攝影場地 , 週年紀念 , 悠閒玩樂, 家庭日, 美女廚房, Hea下, Cosplay, 自拍. 場地設施:免費WiFi, 歡樂足球機 、3D電視, 大屏幕電視、私人影院、音響設備、PS3 、Wii、BluRay DVD Player 、小米、麻雀, 各色 Card & Board Game, 開放式廚房, 波波池, 滑梯, 玩具

Industrial& product design, prototype production,CNC machining,rapid prototyping,RP.SLA,color injection,silk,screen.
消閒及娛樂 / 玩具、模型及首辦深圳市萬豐手板有限公司

Job, Business, Service, Business Opportunity, Par time Job, Work from home, Offered, Self-Employee

Valentine, Valentines, Valentine's Day, Valentine day, Valentine’s Day, Send, Flowers, Gifts, Roses, Red Rose, Love, Romance, Valentine's Day Flowers to France, Valentine Flowers France, France.
V鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Valentineflower

We have a few 2nd hand Cars for Sale under good deals !!!! Please visit the details !!!
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠德星汽車維修服務TAK SING GARAGE

Her other fashion narrative film Refraction was in competition at the Shaded View on Fashion Film in Paris and was shown to an international audience at the Centre Pompidou.
R設計 / 時裝設計

featuring 10 leading and up-and-coming young Tibetan artists.
消閒及娛樂 / 好去處雅坊藝苑 Galerie La Vong

Aparkson Technologies Co. Ltd 艾柏臣致力為您提供優質生活不可或缺的元素,令您擁有健康的體魄。 多年來,我們服務了不少大型的機構,包括公共事業、政府部門、跨國企業、社福機構、和專上學院。他們的滿意就是我們成功的明證。 我們的產品為您淨化身體內新陳代謝不可或缺的兩個要素--水和空氣,確保您能享用至清至純的水和空氣。 我們的淨水系統採用先進的逆滲透 (Reverse Os
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲艾柏臣科技

We have many years of experiences in landscape gardening, interior decoration, garden maintenance, monthly flower rental service, pest control, etc. We offer garden design in Chinese, Japanese, Thai,
P鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Pn G環保綠化

Overseas Wedding Photography. Pre Wedding Photography Francis’s photography is all about creating a timeless image which you can treasure for a lifetime. His distinctive style is founded throug
O結婚 / 海外婚禮Overseas Wedding Photography. Overseas Pre Wedding

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments
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