
MYLove Design HK was born in 2009. We are a young, joyful and modern wedding invitation, accessories and gift company. Our Customer commented us as inspiring designs, unique, different, humorous.That’
M結婚 / 買賣交易MYLove HK

Chinese translation, voiceover, Mandarin translation, Cantonese voiceover
C商業 / 翻譯Chinese translator voiceover

Hi there, It' is very simple job. You will get paid by helping the company to get more databases in "5 STEPS STEP 1- Register by using the link below STEP 2 - Verify your email. (Will be shown in junk

Master degree holder with professional teaching certificate, Certified National Putonghua Proficiency Test – First Class, former university lecturer and executive mandarin teacher

Singapore's Leading Provider of Business Software

Drawings繪製: AutoCad平面圖則, 3dsMax立體圖

It s Christmas time everyone! Another reason to buy yourself a present again! Or have someone else buy it for you :P From today onwards, we are having a big Christmas sale at PTS Steel Shop: includin

Hi, I m Japanese female live in HK. I would like to teach Japanese to everyone who interested in Japanese language and culture. I have 10 years teaching experience in HK I can teach from beginner to u

Aphrodite J.R日本進口 永生花 不凋花 保鮮花 情人節花束 玫瑰花 花束 示愛 求婚 預定 訂購 DIY 黑玫瑰 紅玫瑰 禮物 送禮

Aphrodite J.R 日本進口 10cm七色巨型玫瑰 永生花 1輪 全人手製作絨面 禮盒 黑玫瑰 紅玫瑰 玫瑰花 情人節 紀念日 送禮 訂購 母親節 人手 慶祝 新年 求婚

✨全科半永久性化妝課程📖 📍零基礎📝包學識💪🏻 💫韓國及台灣兩地技術💫 全科4天課程 12月課程在19/12-22/12 11:00-18:00 1月課程在17/1-20/1 11:00-18:00 預早報名可減$800 課程內容: 眉形設計 顏色運用 韓式飄眉 韓式機器眉粉眉 韓式手工霧眉 韓式手工改色 韓式飄霧眉 韓式美瞳眼線 水晶唇 髮際線 注顏粉底 孕睫術 📦課程送贈一套用
j美容 / 教學進修jesseyebrows

本人為兼職魔術導師及在本地海外街頭表演經驗超過十年。 教授魔術以手法為主, 包括啤牌、海綿波波、硬幣、心靈魔術、預言、道具及各項即興社交魔術, 歡迎新手魔術愛好者或對魔術有基本知識人士! 每堂定包涵多個不同程度既魔術,即學即用,務求在短時間內在朋友及情人面前提升人氣及自信 ! 歡迎查詢及試堂(港島東區),每堂一小時(至少4個完整魔術教學) fb專頁: www.facebook.com/pema
P表演藝術 / 魔術Peter Liu

名校網 (31校網(油尖旺)), 全新歐式裝修, 全新淋浴,新冰箱,新電視,wifi,新衣櫃和儲物櫃, 1分鐘到地鐵站,銀行,餐館和商場。

實用面積: 830呎, 2房, 獨立洗手間, 可以即時辦公, 方便, 快捷往來不同地方.

本公司一向為客人實用性為前提,會配合客人各方面需求。形合一個實用與舒適環境給客人。 We make a Home not a house

Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; Bachelor's degree in English; Working at an prestigious international school; A freelance Mandarin voice artist

場景自由使用 3M*5M背景(黑/白/綠) [純棉/無紡布] 180CM*150CM移動鏡*3 課室 沈默機巧(可加上濾色紙) 化妝間 器材 單燈 LED 75W柔光箱*4 LED 環形燈 紅頭燈800w *2 反光板 中型攝影棚 移動音箱 投影儀 折疊充氣沙發 展開:109*218*66cm 收起:109*110*66cm 攝影燈套裝400W $100 (租金) 收費 Price 平日~首7
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