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Fashion design illustration development
設計 / 時裝設計KIM+Design+Gallery

1024 Fashion 於2014年成立,致力推動香港本土創意工業,以研發新印刷技術為核心業務。多年來公司與香港設計師、插畫家、攝影師等不同範疇的藝術家合作,希望將不同的設計意念及作品印於T-shirt上,將其轉化成時裝。 1024 Fashion的產品注重創新、多元化、顧客體驗。本公司於2016年1月與台灣EverDry成為長期合作伙伴,負責於香港進行玻璃保護貼推廣以及銷售工作。公司推出之T
1設計 / 產品設計1024 Fashion Limited

I am a photographer with fashion design background, this allows me to deliver photography work will fashionable touch.

We are a local fashion brand looking for an enthusiastic intern to join to aid the E-Commerce project for 2-3 days a week from June to August to help content marketing and market research. You should

Chinchilla Fashion 是一間賣韓國衫店。以服務及貨品質素為先,希望令客人以合理價錢買得心頭好。所有貨品需要預訂,客人可inbox 詳細查詢。 亦可到以下網站參觀(內有更多貨款) https://www.facebook.com/Chinchilla-Fashion-759612927502386/

Professional Make-up Service available | Based in Hong Kong | In collaboration with C.Y. Fan Photo (www.cyfanphoto.com) | Fashion, Sports, Event Make-up with hairstyling | Professional Portrait Photog
美容 / 化妝CY Fan MUA

Discover the on-trend menswear collection designed by the famous Chief Fashion Designer – Roger Guanine – bringing the French designs right to you.


skywalk specialized in different industries such as automobile, fashion, telecom, IT, business consultants, medical, entertainment, Model Management and event management, retail, food & beverage, ed

MIZU 主要售賣女裝大碼衫加大碼衫,是香港大碼女裝自家設計品牌及也有售賣其他品牌大碼女裝的網店, 款式分別有簡單款和時尚款,我們會推出更多最新最適合的大碼衫給大家,呎碼最多為XXL-XXXL。👚👕👗 MIZU - The main sale of womens plus size clothing XXL size to XXXL size, Hong Kong plus size

本人大學畢業於英國時裝設計學院, 操流利中英文, 可雙語教學。I studied Bachelor of Art (Honours) Fashion Design in United Kingdom. I speak fluent English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Chinese, I can lecture bilingual.

承接各類針梳織男女時裝紙樣及初辦縫製,從事二十多年紙樣制作,能看圖出樣並提供專業意見,準時交付,價錢合理。可代安排綉花 / 印花,價錢以綉花廠 / 印花廠報價為準。



Fashion Beauty Makeup Artist-專業新娘化妝,謝師宴化妝,宴會化妝,舞台劇化妝,姊妹,奶奶化妝,報章雜誌化妝,團體表演化妝等
m結婚 / 化妝及髮型makeup.sophie

Jewellery Photography, product shooting, fashion product shooting

模特兒 公仔~兩個 大量衣架 掛裝架 收銀櫃

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