鹿苑大廈罕有兩房筍盤平售,只售348萬。全屋新淨企理,間隔四正,實用率近80%,位處高層,望開揚翠綠遠景;並附24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另外,交通極方便,從大廈步行約8分鍾即到V City及屯門西鐵站(約35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀),2分鐘至輕鐵站,另徒步約10分鍾即到屯門市廣場;樓下更有多條巴士及通宵小巴線直達港九新界,有巴士專線約15分鍾到深圳灣;且旺中帶靜,附近食肆、超市等多不勝數,

Retail Oriental Rings, Earring, Necklace, Bracelet, Pendant, silver jewelry

Overseas Prewedding, Hong Kong Prewedding, Macau Prewedding, Pregnancy Portrait, Newborn Photography, Commercial And Fashion
d攝影及影音 / 攝影danieltamart

主理香港潮流時裝雜誌封面,是眾多藝人明星model / luxury brand指定合作伙伴,我們勢將Fashion style帶進婚紗攝影!

Professional Full Range Production Service - Studio & Outdoor - Photography & Videography - Aerial,Fashion,Advertising,Commercial,Online Streaming,Product,Portrait,Movie,Photo Retouch,Video Editing
攝影及影音 / 攝影Pin Production

Chinchilla Fashion 是一間賣韓國衫店。以服務及貨品質素為先,希望令客人以合理價錢買得心頭好。所有貨品需要預訂,客人可inbox 詳細查詢。 亦可到以下網站參觀(內有更多貨款) https://www.facebook.com/Chinchilla-Fashion-759612927502386/

適合補習班~琴行~興趣班~活動中心~教會團契~新裝修不超過1年~ 獨立厠所~獨立冷氣~5月交吉~免佣~如需更詳細資料 歡迎查詢 whatsapp 9191 5824 / 2383 2372 聯絡趙小姐


租場拍攝 Female Photographer 女攝影師,海外婚紗, 婚禮攝影,人像,企業,肖像,家庭,孕婦, 時裝攝影 ,微電影 及各樣商業攝影服務 Music Video音樂短片 MTV Stills photography劇照Fashion, Portrait , Model,Baby or newborn ,Wedding-Anniversary photography Makeup
攝影及影音 / 攝影及影音優惠Dou Studio租場拍攝


協邦大廈2房罕有筍盤平售,全屋附雅致裝修,新淨企理,望翠綠開揚遠景,間隔四正,廳大房大,客飯廳分明,兩間房均可放雙人大床;實用率達84%,並附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另大廈已翻新,外型及設備新淨。 另外,交通極方便,從大廈步行約10分鍾或搭輕鐵約4分鐘即到V City及屯門西鐵站(約35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀),2分鐘至輕鐵站,另徒步約10分鍾即到屯門市廣場;樓下更有多條巴士

E-Plus Live Music: Wedding Band, Annual Dinner, Fashion Show, Party Gig, Plays Jazz Blues, Samba, R&B, Classical Music,

專業現場DJ服務 / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Grand opening / Cocktail / Clubbing / Fashion Show (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])
表演藝術 / 活動管理XLARGE LIVE Co.

我們係City Design-ctd.hk 網頁設公司,2017年將會擴展市場,發展一套全面的CMS產品!

We also aim to record the changes of fashion trend in order to enhance our understanding to the clothing and textile market, and the development of living culture in Hong Kong.
P美容 / 形象顧問Pixel Media HK Ltd.

In this city of millions, we're dedicated to making more smiles every day and committed to understanding the genuine needs of different customers.

City Golf is a great place for having a birthday party with a golf simulator, a projector, darts, a karaoke, beer pong and fuzz-ball.

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