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About Us We offer various training and consultation to organizations with an objective to promote wholistic wellbeing in workplaces. We have worked with the Trade and Industry Department, Housing Dep
健康及醫療 / 會社、組織及團體俊天整全健康諮商中心

Our aim is to give all the cases we take on our closest personal attention, and deal with them thoroughly, expeditiously and as cost-effectively as possible for you.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution For 20 years, Maximizer Enterprise has remained the chosen CRM solution for businesses. Proven, award-winning and flexible enough to meet the needs of c
M手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Maximizer Asia Ltd

Contact Us The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is located at New Zealand Focus 439-445 Hennessy Road Causeway Bay Hong Kong Tel: + 852 2536 4469 Fax: + 852 2810 9068 E-mail: exec@nzcchk.
N商業 / 會社、組織及團體New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

T he Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong (BPF) is a membership organisation. Members are business and professional people who share the common goal of stability and prosperity for Hong
商業 / 會社、組織及團體香港工商專業聯會

THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN HONG KONG provides networking and business development opportunities to its members. As a member of AUSTCHAM, you are part of the largest Australian business org
T商業 / 會社、組織及團體The Australian Chamber of Commerce

Regus is the world’s largest provider of workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever the
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