Merial清除預防狗狗 心絲蟲 Prevent Heartworm 杜蟲 驅蟲 適用1-100 lbs犬 正貨$35/粒 $188/盒


100%澳洲製造,選用優質食材製成,絕對品質保證,而且款式眾多,具有多種由不同肉類或海產製成的口味以供選擇。另外,Australian Pet Treats的食品均生產成多種不同形狀及大小,以符合各種年齡及體積的狗隻需要。

$53起 100片 出口裝 寵物尿墊, 寵物尿片, 狗尿墊. 貓尿墊. 尿墊

3層大型貓籠,購入原是給家裡貓用,但貓貓唔肯入籠,所以拆開後組裝了放置了家裡幾個月,保證未用過,可驗貨,因頗大型,所以現半價多急轉讓,現售500蚊,不包運費,買家要自行call van搬走。長104,寬71,高190cm有樓梯,所以3層可互通,亦可當獨立分開3層使用,每層都有獨立門,另外會跟埋兩個黑色大底盤。

9成9新, 平讓$150,觀塘線港鐵站交收
寵物 / 寵物食品及用品包包媽媽

有興趣預訂租用 請留言PM 或直接電郵/whatsapp. 林小姐洽約睇, 多謝 Tel 2394-1828 Wapp 6400-1484 Email [email protected]
物業地產 / 服務式住宅大豐林小姐

Petsit Singapore Services offered by Petsit Singapore • Daily Pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you’re on holiday or out of town on business trips • Taking y
P寵物 / 獸醫PETSIT

寵物 / 會社、組織及團體五方寵物有限公司

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Ticks & Fleas Control of these skin parasites is extremely important as they can cause skin irritation or allergy, and ticks can carry serious diseases. Fleas are very difficult to control as the
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

中港滅蚊機專賣店-MosKiller 2011-GS932HK 戶外滅蚊機 Outdoor Mosquito Machine
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲中港滅蚊機專賣店

中港電滅蚊機專賣店-MosKiller 2011-GS932HK 戶外滅蚊機 Outdoor Mosquito Machine
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲中港電滅蚊機專賣店

HKDR BACKGROUND AND HISTORY HKDR was set up in 2002, registered as a Society in August 2003 and in March 2005 gained full charity status. It is run by founder, Sally Andersen, with the support of man
H寵物 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Dog Rescue
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