
尖沙咀化妝枱時租60蚊一小時,最少三小時起, 月租化妝枱700/800, 歡迎包場,練妝,教學set頭,任君選擇。 化妝師,Freelance Makeup Artist練妝好去處,我們並設有私人儲物櫃讓化妝師不需要每次攜帶太多用具。 交通便利,只需數分鐘到達地鐵和西鐵,樓下巴士站和鄰近巴士總站。 並設有私人儲物櫃,Wifi,背景纸,緍纱,晚装,頭飾以供使用
C物業地產 / 商舖租售Coolstyle Productions

EMBROIDERY ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG 香港刺繡協會 HONG KONG GU`S EMBROIDERY LIMITED 香港顧氏手工刺繡藝術有限公司 The company can undertake various commercial performance of hand embroidery Embroidery training for schoo
商業 / 教學進修顧氏刺繡

Welcome to Peak Florist, providing fresh flowers and arrangements since 1972. We've been constantly working to be the best florist with the most extensive selection of fresh flowers. We take great pr

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Open art platform to provide rent free services Overseas networking Care about heritage and city development Mount Annual City Festival General Enquiries [email protected] Tel (852) 2521 7251 (

2018 Gel甲,銅鑼灣美甲店Nail U Studio,位於銅鑼灣富明街1號寶富大廈3/F M室,品質保證,現正進行首次服務大優惠,歡迎預約。
N美容 / 美甲Nail U Studio

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V商業 / 商業優惠Veon Yuen(滙港電訊)

Imagine getting married in a castle in the United Kingdom, or in front of the Cinderella palace in Disney with fireworks to celebrate your special day? How about sailing down in a gondola in Venice o
C結婚 / 海外婚禮Coco Weddings

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G商業 / 會社、組織及團體Global Sources Publications Ltd.
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