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熱心為人提供海上活動,欣賞海洋生態的一個團體,亦希望將其普及化,讓都市人遠離煩囂,樂在其中。歡迎聯絡我們查詢服務。 無繩滑水 與 滑水是近年香港水上活動的新寵, 更是一眾名人潮人必玩的水上運動! 可以找到大埔, 西貢, 及覆蓋全港的快艇網絡, 輕鬆租用快艇體驗刺激的水上活動。 滑水 租用滑水船 無繩滑水 滑水快艇 西貢滑水 學滑水 wakesurf wakeboard wakesurfing

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We would like to revamp our corporate website.
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Ricodio is boutique e-commerce style corporate development agency to help SME & Startup to expand business to new market at cost-effective way Please visit our website to explore more -> ricodio.com
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A freelance copywriter with 12+ years of experience who is based in Hong Kong and specialize in hospitality, tourism, travel, social media, blogging, F & B, lifestyle, media, marketing & PR fields.
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OSOME – a company that provides technology-powered incorporation, bank account, corporate secretarial, accounting, tax and work permit services. It also gives company owners a very handy dashboard.
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