Blossoms let people convey their words to their desired ones with all the emotional ferment.
A鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Aesha Qureshi

轉讓婚紗晚裝、男禮、媽媽裙、水晶褂、姐妹裙等 250~300套 (部份全新!) 其他用品包括紗袋、紗圈、蒸氣熨斗、衣架等 $30,000 全包 Whatapp: 60158236

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween / Cocktail / Christmas / Clubbing / Annual Dinner (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])
X表演藝術 / 承包商Xlarge Live

一次性不包改住宅(室內) $600/張, 辦公室商舖、小型食肆 $1200/張, 制作Autocad平面圖每平方呎 $0.5 助你見客事半功倍! 設計不再憑空想像! 立馬出現在眼前, full set全屋最快3天起貨 本人是freelance, 不需營運成本, 為閣下省下不必要開支! 只犧牲睡眠時間!
設計 / 室內設計thaihome3d

Using the finest materials and craftsmanship, Phoenix Sweets delivers the finest custom-made sweets for your wedding, birthday, anniversary and any memorable occasions.
P結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Phoenix Sweets

Traditional British Sweet Shop
結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe

Specialized in French examinations' preparation : iGCSE, SAT, A/AS-Level, IB, DELF, etc

結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Dearest Cookies

Specializing in curating beautifully crafted gifts to celebrate each and every important occasion in the lives of your favorite person or client.

AJ SYNERGY PRODUCTION (ASP) officially established in year 2005 with an influence of international standards values on total event media management solutions. We have affiliated with our main local
A表演藝術 / 活動管理AJ Synergy Production

Full service event management firm . Our professional event team composed of expertise in event marketing, concept development, production and design.

Swarovski吊飾手錬新登場啦! 好多款式隨便揀, 大家仲可以揀自己鍾意嘅吊飾同顏色自由配撘. 係時候準備聖誕禮物啦! 快D嚟FB "Own design Pendant" 睇吓啦! 仲有好多其他飾物可以選擇. 有意請PM or Wechat 66893036

10 years experience for homemade items, use high ingredients and presenting well to surprise your guests. We made by our LOVE.
T結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Tina's Delight

Copywriting, Editing, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Translation, Proofreading
商業 / 撰稿wordphilocaly

Singapore's Leading Provider of Business Software
D商業 / 顧問Denial Lois

❤Mzche - DIY手繪手作禮物❤ 由一個喜歡繪畫的80後,和一個擅長手作的90後共同創立的DIY手作品牌。 全部作品都是人手制作,差按照您的相片繪畫人像,保證獨一無二;是送給最愛的人最貼心的禮品! 請支持香港本土創作(≧ ≦) 歡迎查詢 Facebook: Instagram: https://www.instagr

Sayvour 是一個全新的朱古力糕餅品牌,宗旨在於選用高級食材,自家研製不同口味道的朱古力、曲奇、蝴蝶酥、蛋糕等美食,並以包裝精美的手工製作字母朱古力作招徠,讓顧客可設計個人的朱古力信息,為摯愛親朋送上既可傳情達意,又可甜在心頭的獨一無二時尚禮品。顧客可在網上訂購禮品,並可使用送遞服務,即使足不出戶也可將心意傳送給親朋好友,十分方便快捷。Sayvour 亦推出了不同款式的片裝圖案朱古力、甜心朱古

T結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Treasures and Co
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