首間獲發ISO 9001:2008四合一品質管理證書(室內設計.裝修工程管理.申請牌照.維修保養)國際認證公司。專業代出各類型飲食業、賓館、補習社、會所、老人院、桌球室、遊戲機牌照等。另有專業資格提供驗樓及驗窗,牌照顧問,室內設計,裝修工程,爐具傢俬一站式服務。
家居 / 室內設計及裝修東南工程牌照顧問

萬豪移民顧問有限公司是一間根據香港法例成立的移民公司,榮膺香港最有價值移民顧問大獎,經由澳洲政府移民代理註冊局以及 新西蘭政府的移民顧問管理局(NZIAA)辦公室許可辦理移民服務。萬豪 團隊集結了移民及教育界精英。熟悉移民法規,並在資深註冊移民顧問的帶領下提供移民咨詢及服務。與此同時,萬豪也會與海外聯營註冊會計師、商業顧問等合作夥伴緊聯繫,為顧客提供一條龍的移民配套服務,以滿足不同的需要。


泓舜企業顧問有限公司 - 具豐富經驗處理公司全盤帳目,為中小企提供一站式會計理賬、報稅等服務,並為企業提供實務培訓公司會計人員等專業服務。
e商業 / 會計及稅務ecstartccl

The premier Will Writing Consultancy in Hong Kong
p商業 / 撰稿pwillsfp

Asia Pacific Innovative Business Strategy and Human Capital Management Consultancy
a商業 / 顧問ascenassofp

Asia Pacific Innovative Business Strategy and Human Capital Management Consultancy
i商業 / 顧問icwhkfp

Corporate Investigations Consultancy operating in Hong Kong (headquarters), Macau, China, and the Asia Pacific Region.
S商業 / 顧問Suzzess

Sunrise has devoted herself to be one of the best ESL job agencies in China since it's established, by providing TEFL jobs.
商業 / 語言課程sunriseesljobs

You can earn a real income online by becoming Home You can earn a real income online by becoming Home cTypist! As a Home Typist, your job consists of typing and placing ads on the Internet. You don't
k商業 / 撰稿kajalrawat212

interior design, drafting and construction management

a商業 / 市場策劃alcoconsultancy

Companies Need You Worldwide ! No Experience Required. Work with established, Real companies and individuals. Work from home, full or part time. Set your own hours. Also tell a friend so they can get

Are You Looking for Home-Based Online Jobs? Are You a Student, Housewife, jobseeker ? Just Work 1 to 2 Hours daily at own Free Time. Get Guaranteed Monthly Payments. Here is the best Guide for Online

Are You Looking for Home-Based Online Jobs? Are You a Student, Housewife, jobseeker ? Just Work 1 to 2 Hours daily at own Free Time. Get Guaranteed Monthly Payments. Here is the best Guide for Online

Service Scope: 我們可以為你提供以下服務: * Business Starts-up Development 公司成立及發展諮詢 香港、前海、環琴、海外offshore * Book-keeping Company Secretary 會計及公司秘書服務 * Audit, Assurance Tax 審計及稅務服務 * Performance Improvements
C商業 / 顧問Chan

Job, Business, Service, Business Opportunity, Par time Job, Work from home, Offered, Self-Employee

上門電腦維修 熱線:5308 2886 九龍香港新界 家居公司團體 由多位資深電腦工程師分別支援不同地區

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure
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