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冷氣機安裝清洗維修 (Air conditioner cleaning and maintenance)

Are you looking for Air conditioner cleaning services? Then you are in the right place. AC cleaning provides you with a complete range of domestic and commercial air conditioner cleaning services.

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Cleaning Lab 匠人潔淨社 – 專業清潔公司-在港服務多年,專業清潔服務團隊,為各行各業提供高品質清潔服務。我們為顧客提供一系列專業的清潔服務,務求令顧客住得安全、安心。我們提供廣泛的清潔服務,包括家居清潔服務、辦公室清潔除甲醛服務、入伙前清潔及裝修後清潔等。還在找家居清潔公司邊間好?「匠人潔淨社-清潔服務公司」絕對是你的清潔公司推介
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觀塘辦公室,99-250呎,已裝修,有間格配置,免費wifi服務及清潔服務,租辦公室,有優質大堂。 99 sq.ft – 250 sq.ft, fully renovated, new suspended ceiling and carpet, free Wifi, cleaning service.

Exclusive room for oversea students, business traveller and local tenant (Free commisssion & wifi) ,including cleaning service and fully furnished
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

Apartment.We-Room includes electricity and water supply, free Wi-Fi internet access, weekly cleaning services and linen changes.Please contact Mr.Kwan 6939 4888
A物業地產 / 住宅出租Apartment.We

Apartment.WeNew Renovation ( have lift) - Room rate includes electricity and water supply, free Wi-Fi internet access, weekly cleaning services and linen changes.Please contact Mr. Kwan 69394888 or Wh
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