設有3個不同面積展廳 -畫廊咖啡閣提供餐飲小食 設備: -投影機以及2座LCD顯示屏幕 -Wifi無線上網 -掛畫配套 (路軌,掛鉤,射燈,展板等) -無線麥克風 -影音及音響設備 -閉路電視監察 -標准文儀用品.

Commercial use only Furnished office spaces Shared conference room Complimentary internet, electricity, water air conditioning 5 mins to Lai Chi Kok station 3 Workstations available ** box deliver
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160 尺 店舖位置人流不絕,平租25000 有射燈,地板 租約至2017年11月,3個月按金,1個月上期 What app 67499119 miss Sze to

It s Christmas time everyone! Another reason to buy yourself a present again! Or have someone else buy it for you :P From today onwards, we are having a big Christmas sale at PTS Steel Shop: includin


1.Lyon & Healy 40弦豎琴 (原木色待售) 2.Lyon & Healy 40弦豎琴 (櫻桃木色已售) 3. Camac 38弦豎琴 (已售)
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Mini serviced apartments, fully furniture for businiess and long trip

寫字樓地點交通方便鄰近柴灣地鐵站, 步行5分鐘便到達, 附近有多間食肆可供選擇 高層單位環境開揚全新裝修富有時代感, 適合各行各業人士租用 獨立房間更能飽覽港島東海景, 當約會客戶時能盡顯氣派, 房間內設有投影機方便開會時用來做簡介 大廳設計靈活時尚, 租戶可全廳租下, 價錢可另議

Ticks & Fleas Control of these skin parasites is extremely important as they can cause skin irritation or allergy, and ticks can carry serious diseases. Fleas are very difficult to control as the
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

本公司(急聘) 託管導師一名,需負有責任心,有經驗者優先考慮

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A結婚 / 婚紗禮服Amour Wedding Boutique

background... TechToLink was founded in 1994 in Hong Kong, with the mission of providing high quality system consulting services with an emphasis on PC and networked PC applications. Over the years t
T手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Tech To Link Company

mart.net Group Limited is a rapid development IT company with a main objective to provide innovation Business to Business solution for Small and Medium Business of Asia Pacific. As we have spent subs
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫天碼網絡(香港)有限公司

We Provide business/personal loans for both small and large business,funds are purely earned from private and corporate investment portfolios without criminal origin. we are also into project financin

經濟學博士在讀, 可指導大學, 及工商管理碩士(MBA), 經濟, 統計, 數學及金融. 網上教學. 請WhatsApp聯絡及討論詳請. WhatsApp: 63656639 每小時: $250 HKD
教學進修 / 補習Alan Lee (李生)

本人為英國著名學府倫敦大學學院(University College London)心理學系一級榮譽畢業生。在英國高級程度會考(GCE A Level)中考獲三優。大學畢業後我曾獲英國劍橋大學取錄就讀工商管理碩士(MPhil Management) 。自小在英國成長,現任職科技行業。補習經驗豐富,學生多來自名校國際學校。
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