搜尋 blogs

Woxro Technology Solution, a global software and web development company that provides full-cycle software development services, ecommerce & mobile app development services, is a truly customer- cent

A freelance copywriter with 12+ years of experience who is based in Hong Kong and specialize in hospitality, tourism, travel, social media, blogging, F & B, lifestyle, media, marketing & PR fields.
M商業 / 撰稿Mark

市面上脫毛做到成行成市,究竟點揀好呢!?唔小心join錯脫毛公司,小則哂錢哂時間,重則灼傷皮膚,我最近做咗小小research,可以share俾大家知,join激光脫毛除咗價錢之外要留意嘅三大點! TIP 1: 脫毛一定係做激光 唔好做彩光 激光 彩光 激光vs彩光:激光打出來嘅光線集中,能夠深入皮膚毛囊底層,針對毛囊黑色素,令毛毛永不超生。市面上有3種大部份美容院採用嘅激光波長,包括

Copywriting, Editing, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Translation, Proofreading
商業 / 撰稿wordphilocaly
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