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Using the finest materials and craftsmanship, Phoenix Sweets delivers the finest custom-made sweets for your wedding, birthday, anniversary and any memorable occasions.
P結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Phoenix Sweets

服務式住宅, Short & long term. Please email your check-in date for room availability. Phone enquiry only available after 2pm.

Fully furnished and serviced daily on weekdays. Move-in with suitcase for a peaceful and hassle free stay in the heart of the Causeway Bay.

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Luxury is infused into even the finer points of comfort. Enjoy a restful night's sleep on a cozy Simmons mattress with the softness of 300-thread count Frette linens covering you.

Traditional British Sweet Shop
結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe

Weve been teaching for more than 10 years, do understand the best way for students to learn HOW TO SWIM! We can speak CANTONESE, ENGLISH MANDARIN fluently, heres our qualifications: Swimming Teacher

商業 / 創業加盟香港隱形眼鏡網

美容 / 零售及批發香港隱形眼鏡網

結婚 / 禮品及洋酒Dearest Cookies

Specializing in curating beautifully crafted gifts to celebrate each and every important occasion in the lives of your favorite person or client.

Swarovski吊飾手錬新登場啦! 好多款式隨便揀, 大家仲可以揀自己鍾意嘅吊飾同顏色自由配撘. 係時候準備聖誕禮物啦! 快D嚟FB "Own design Pendant" 睇吓啦! 仲有好多其他飾物可以選擇. 有意請PM or Wechat 66893036

從心去感受牠 ~動物傳心術師與你一起走進動物的心靈世界~ 香港首位以網絡做平台教授動物傳心術的導師●香港首個動物傳心術網上課程 AT是業餘動物傳心術師! (AT高班畢業証書) 轉眼AT走上動物傳心之路已踏入第10個年頭了! AT原是一位普通的女姓,心愛的動物朋友離世,令AT踏上動物傳心靈性之路。2007年一年間,AT進修了香港動物傳
A寵物 / 寵物訓練AT@Animal Talk

❤Mzche - DIY手繪手作禮物❤ 由一個喜歡繪畫的80後,和一個擅長手作的90後共同創立的DIY手作品牌。 全部作品都是人手制作,差按照您的相片繪畫人像,保證獨一無二;是送給最愛的人最貼心的禮品! 請支持香港本土創作(≧ ≦) 歡迎查詢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mzche.hk/ Instagram: https://www.instagr
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