搜尋 award

SwimTech Swimming Coach, Steve Chu, 10+ years experience, Contact No. 6233 1858 . . Philosophy of Teaching My name is Steve, with 8 years of experience including being the coach at professional class

Find Your True Corporate Voice | ISO 9001 : 2008 certified | All language pairs supported
B商業 / 撰稿BridgeLink Language Services Ltd.

在寸金尺土的香港,蝸居處處,家居空間有限。要擴闊室內空間,首要選擇纖巧、多功能性的家具。來自上海的家具品牌Ziinlife的產品體積輕並兼顧功能性,即使置放於蝸居中也不覺礙位,加上行走北歐簡約風格路線,型格時尚。 品牌2011年於上海成立,以「簡單而有趣」為理念,從簡約又帶有玩味的設計之中,透過細節帶給用家驚喜。大部分家具均以橡木、胡桃木等實木打造,通過巧妙的細節處理,帶出多功能的特點,給用家製造
x買賣及批發 / 家居xpertgroup

*Tuen Mun/Yuen Long/Wan Chai/Tseung Kwan O/Clarinet/Saxophone/Singing/Vocal/Music Theory/Private Teacher
M音樂 / 教學進修Music Divine

Hong Kong Wedding Photographer

數學(Core and M2) 及科學, 物理(all core and elective subjects), GCE/IAL (Edexcel,CIE, AQA, OCR)(C1-C4, Mechanics1-2, stat1-2, decision 1-2, Futher pure 1-3) , GCSE (Edexcel,CIE) , IB diploma programme
c教學進修 / 補習cnyelements

自由式 Freestyle 背泳 Backstroke 蛙式 Breaststroke 蝶式 Butterfly
運動及健身 / 水上運動藍海游泳會 / Wong sir private swimming coaches(私人游泳教練)

Master of Performance (Royal College of Music), Bachelor of Music (HKAPA), LTCL (Distinction-Trinity College of London)

Licentiate Diploma (LRSM) in Guitar, Lesson in English or 廣東話
音樂 / 音樂課程 - 結他Joseph Lau LRSM

" 影視‧動畫‧漫畫" 優質製作 "Film , TV, Animation and Comics" production
攝影及影音 / 電視及電影黃金種子工作室

消閒及娛樂 / 約會服務So Klose - Award-Winning Dating and Match Making Agency in Hong Kong and Macau

*Tuen Mun/Yuen Long/Wan Chai/Clarinet/Saxophone/Singing/Vocal/Music Theory/Teacher
M音樂 / 教學進修Music Divine

星級魔術導師Chris Poon│魔術小天才訓練班│兒童魔術│小朋友魔術│青少年魔術│生日會魔術│上門魔術│香港上門教魔術│上門扭氣球│ 魔術班│魔術課程│魔術教學│Magic Course│Party│魔術訓練│魔術表演│氣球造型│派對魔術│魔術DIY│魔術自學│扭氣球DIY│扭氣球自學│佈置DIY│氣球佈置│Balloon Twisting Hong Kong│香港扭氣球│學魔術

Weve been teaching for more than 10 years, do understand the best way for students to learn HOW TO SWIM! We can speak CANTONESE, ENGLISH MANDARIN fluently, heres our qualifications: Swimming Teacher

各優惠拍攝套餐熱賣中!獲獎香港婚禮攝影師 Kenneth,為你度身訂造拍攝每個別出心裁的婚禮,用照片記錄著每個真實浪漫的婚禮場面,拍攝地點包括香港及海外各地。
結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影Kenneth Lee Photography

[三角琴鋼琴授課] Piano Teacher: MA Music CUHK, BMus(Hons) RWCMD Major: Piano; FTCL; DipABRSM (Teaching); AMusTCL; ATCL; lessons can be taught in English/ Cantonese
教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 學琴Jennifer Chan[鋼琴老師]MA Music,BMus (Hons);FTCL;DipABRSM;AMusTCL

Deans Live Music: Professional Event Music Planner - Jazzy Romantic Classics To Joyful Party Music Expert; Tailor-Made Banquet Music Rundown

laser logo display sky laser show rental installation sales production services laser light shows corporate events film concert tours government research design laser Tribal Existance Productions
設計 / 設計優惠Custom International Laser Light Show Rental
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