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As a professional trade media in Hong Kong, Global Sources Publications Ltd. has been promoting global trade between worldwide buyers & suppliers for over two decades by offering first-hand marke
G商業 / 會社、組織及團體Global Sources Publications Ltd.

Overseas Wedding Photography. Pre Wedding Photography Francis’s photography is all about creating a timeless image which you can treasure for a lifetime. His distinctive style is founded throug
O結婚 / 海外婚禮Overseas Wedding Photography. Overseas Pre Wedding

RED SQUARE GALLERY was founded by prominent Russian artist Anastassia Katafygiotis and it is dedicated to bringing to Hong Kong stunning artworks of well-known as well as emerging artists from parts
R消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Red Square Gallery

Fujifilm Mini-Squash Scheme 2005/2006 - Carnival (20 Mar) Title-sponsored by FUJIFILM , the 8th " Fujifilm Mini-Squash Scheme 2005/2006 - CARNIVAL " run successfully at the Kowloon Park, Mini-Soccer

THE LINEAR MAKATI Targeting the younger generation working in Makati, Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) has come up with The Linear, a master-planned mixed use residential and commercial development that en

親愛的 CNR 會員及企業客户 : 由 香港工業貿易署 (TID)、香港工業總會 (FHKI)聯同 本公司 中國網絡註冊(香港)有限公司 (CNR) 於上周二 (12/8) 攜手合辦 的 【 保護域名、商標與商號 企業營銷免爭議 】 研討會 經已完滿結束 。 當日出席者眾,反應熱烈,本公司再次衷心多謝閣下的參與及支持。若閣下未能出席而想分享當日盛況, 請按此 http://www.cnrhk.c
手機電腦互聯網 / 節目及活動中國網絡註冊(香港)有限公司

Tanjong Beach , Sentosa 27 – 30 June 2007, 10am -6pm Trade: 27 – 29 June Trade & Public: 30 June Come visit RESORT ASIA 2007 – Asia ’s first and only resort exhibition for exhibitors and visitors
S旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Singex Exhibtions Pte Ltd

掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: http://www.btlforyou.com/consultant/Annie ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) Skin Reborn !! 28天肌膚重生及日常化妝工作坊 每一種美容護膚品都有一套自己的理論,真不知該聽那一套的! " 28天肌膚重生法 " 讓妳自我認識到肌膚護理之基本因素後,再配合其它如:中醫、西醫、專業美
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掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: http://www.btlforyou.com/consultant/Annie ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) 專業美容化妝師 Annie Siu 從旁為妳指導,特別專注幫妳了解自己的面形線條特性, 讓你在 找到屬於自己外在形象特質, 創造非人人可的個別化妝技巧 !! 讓您成為受大眾歡迎,由內到外散發魅力的理想情人! Ann
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