
Balloon&You balloon class、balloon gift、balloon girl、balloon decoration(birthday party,carnival/event,100 baby day,the hundredth day banquet,graduation dinner,wedding,competition
B親子 / 兒童興趣班 - 藝術Balloon Painting

兒童興趣班 / 藝術 / 繪畫 / 手作
K親子 / 兒童興趣班 - 藝術Kids Club。Hong Kong

Discount, sale, virtual, class, online, Spanish, French, Italian, german
E消閒及娛樂 / 消閒優惠Eton Institute

"發易易易" 靚靚車牌結婚主花車Benz S320L(鳳眼加長豪華版) + 大小豪華巴士
結婚 / 花車源惠旅運公司 Yuen Wai Transportation Company

一對一教授普通話, 歡迎各類職場人仕、學生及有興趣學習普通話的人士報名及查詢。 Provide one to one mandarin tutorial class which suitable to working people, student and who likes to learn mandarin. 課堂以學生實際情況設定,基本內容包括普通話拼音、常用詞語及語句、朗讀文章訓練、普通話

火炭 離地鐵5分鐘路程 2000尺 4房1廳 有天台 望找4位藝術家合租

Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

位於觀塘區九龍灣,地鐵站步行五分鐘到達,擁有三間不同的主題房,可容納20人,簡約時尚的室內佈置,適合舉辦主題派對、Farewell Party、小朋友生日會、學生團體聚會、Speed Dating之夜、慈善活動、Home Party、私人派對、Wine Party、興趣課程、團體聚餐等……為您提供一個充滿歡樂氣氛、難忘的派對服務 和 相聚場地!

迤樂坊有咩嘢玩? 有多款皮革製作、mini garden、floral art等等等等... 梗有一款啱你玩,仲唔快d過嚟hea玩~~ 新體驗當然孖住咁一齊FUN享啦,我們推出 2人同行優惠*,一齊join工作坊,即時享有8折優惠,無限FUN。
教學進修 / 繪畫、手工藝Hea Ztyle Haus 迤樂坊

Chinese University of Hong Kong Part-time Class in Central

Private and Class for students up to S1

家居 / 室內設計及裝修Art Deco Design Ltd

If you want: A flexible schedule To study at your own pace Quick improvement To study particular topics Find Hyejin 惠珍 at 51150262 I am a native Korean speaker who can speak English fluent
H教學進修 / 語言課程Hyejin Maeng

私人上門教授 - 兒童畫、繪畫班、畫畫班、綜合藝術畫、法文課程、繪畫課程、美術創作、硬筆、毛筆書法藝術教育、親子創作班、木顏色、乾粉彩、油粉彩、臘筆、漫畫、油畫、水彩等服務

承接 平面設計,商標設計,印刷,攝影,繪畫。 印刷 : 咭片,信封,信紙,公文袋,便條,傳單,公司簡介,海報,發票,貼紙, 文件夾,說明書,電腦單,吊牌,現金券,折扣優惠券,餐牌,手抽紙袋,月曆,日記簿, 聖誕咭,賀年咭,請柬,結婚請帖,燙金,彩盒,包裝,利是封,書刊,條碼製作,原子印章, 易拉架,噴畫海報,戶外大型噴畫,電腦界字,膠片界字,膠袋絲印 .... 等各款印刷品,一站式一條龍製作, (
h商業 / 印刷hongkongdesigner

Overseas Prewedding, Hong Kong Prewedding, Macau Prewedding, Pregnancy Portrait, Newborn Photography, Commercial And Fashion
d攝影及影音 / 攝影danieltamart

家居 / 室內設計及裝修CKI Fine Art Rental
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