
Native English Teacher born and raised in England. Jolly Phonics method. The Oxford Reading Tree. The Cambridge Kid’s Box. The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests and Trinity Examinations

Brand: SAMSUNG MODEL: UN55JS9000F Condition: New Notes: This item is new in unopened box. It does come with sealed accessories kit box as shown in picture. Includes silver/black base, neck, remote, s

Japanese lesson for baby to adult
N教學進修 / 語言課程Native Japanese tutor 日藉導師

Alex from mexico, more than 4 years of teaching experience.

提供鋼琴 / 圓號(法國號) 課程,課程透過: 公開演出及學生音樂會、比賽、考試、大師班、樂器訓練及樂理研習,課堂將以粵語 (英語輔助) 或全英語進行,教室採用符合考試標準之三角琴,有意報讀的同學, 請於上課前致電96294800 (吳老師) 約見面試, 評估演奏水平

[出租] 兩房新裝連部份傢電,位於中半山 房間數目: 2間睡房,1廚1厠,客飯廳 傢電: 3部冷氣機,東芝LCD電視,洗水機,電磁爐, 兩房衣櫃 層樓: 高層 景觀: 城市景 起租期: 可即時 合約類別: 年租 包含: 管理費,差餉 交通: 距離西營盤港鐵站只需5分鐘步行距離 詳請: 全新裝修兩房741呎單位適合一家大人及兩夫妻入住。地點非常便捷,樓下有超級市場及不同食肆,鄰近中環,蘇

二手 Harp 34 弦 Artone / Taiwan

Commercial use only Furnished office spaces Shared conference room Complimentary internet, electricity, water air conditioning 5 mins to Lai Chi Kok station 3 Workstations available ** box deliver
D物業地產 / 辦公室出租Displaytech Ltd

Hiring an expert to handle these challenges is very expensive nowadays. Thinking of cost-effective solutions? Our outsourcing services are definitely your choice! We can assist companies to overcome c

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士 /公司企業/水平測試考生 );母語普通話&廣東話&流利英語;彈性時間及地點; 聯絡電話:張老師(69007908)
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf

Our company is looking for suitable candidates for carrying out duties in Educational Workshops in Asia World Expo, from 15th July 2016 to 7th August 2016 (A continuous period of 24 calendar days)*

Our M and E stands for Media and Event. We are a group of passionate artists offering a full pack services, from planning, design, set up and production.
M設計 / 節目及活動M.E. PRO. COMPANY

* Monthly En-suite 月租式套房, 近港鐵站, 交通便利, 包水電費$300, 免費Wi-Fi, 免費房間清潔 150呎 $5,800 *
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

We provide spacious rooms for you to organise aerobics classes and yoga classes with greenery decorations and comfy environment.
F運動及健身 / 場地出租Fun Paradise Learning Centre

Responsibilities: - Involve in all-round administrative function supporting. - Responsible for filing system and daily clerical duties. - Answering phone calls and jotting messages (any) for t
i商業 / 創業加盟iFree Group (HK) Limited

資深導師十六年經驗,教育碩士/榮譽音樂文學士 (演奏及教學法) / 香港國際音樂學校鋼琴導師/ 獲頒「傑出鋼琴導師」,位處太古地鐵上蓋,採用考試標準三角琴,歡迎查詢。
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