Exam 急救班,專門幫助總係爭幾分的學生
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1872

全職私人補習導師 - Private Tutor ( 化學補習、物理補習 、 數學補習 )、畢業(2012)於英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)世界排行第6,主修化學(Major Chemistry), 副修物理(Physics)及化學工程(chemical engineering)並獲得(2.1 honours degree)。 憑着豐富經驗並提供學生大量訓練
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1873

p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1878

Exam 急救班,專門幫助總係爭幾分的學生
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1876

Exam 急救班,專門幫助總係爭幾分的學生
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1873

I graduated from Imperial College London (currently ranked 6th in the world). I major in chemistry with ancillary courses for physics and maths. I am a full time private tutor teaching mainly chemistr
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1874

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