Deans Live Music: Professional Event Music Planner - Jazzy Romantic Classics To Joyful Party Music Expert; Tailor-Made Banquet Music Rundown

Learn Thai Language, Culture, Lifestyle for relocation, business, interest or tourism 單對單: 粵語/普通話/英文教泰語 :$200 per hour ($2000 for 10 hr lessons) + 1hr lesson free 粵語/普通話/英文教泰語 :$300 per 1.5hour($
教學進修 / 語言課程languagExpertHK

Learn Thai Language, Culture, Lifestyle for relocation, business, interest or tourism 單對單: 粵語/普通話/英文教泰語 :$200 per hour ($2000 for 10 hr lessons) + 1hr lesson free 粵語/普通話/英文教泰語 :$300 per 1.5hour($3
教學進修 / 語言課程languagExpertHK

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween / Cocktail / Christmas / Clubbing / Annual Dinner (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])
X表演藝術 / 承包商Xlarge Live

提供戶外傢具及燒烤用品,歡迎到Show Room參觀選購

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited is the holding company of a group which is engaged in the ownership, development and management of hotels, commercial properties and clubs and services. 
c商業 / 顧問citymacau

飲茶你知我知 ……..你是否 飲對茶 ? 飲錯茶 ? 茶是簡單,茶是健康,茶飲養生。 選擇適合你體質的茶飲 據體質的不同、季節的不同以及地域的不同來選用不同的茶葉; 利用各種茶的特性讓人的身體達到平和健康,同時也達到防病與治未病的效果。享受簡單健康的泡茶過程樂趣 ,改變自己心境界,遠離日常生活、工作和學習中的煩惱,達到養生的目的。
教學進修 / 消閒興趣 - 其他課程故鄉茶園 Homeland Tea Garden

私人補習(CHEM ECON為主) 價錢可議 電話:6358 8894 歡迎致電或Whatsapp 本人現就讀於香港中文大學, 於去年(2014)曾赴考DSE, 並有幸獲得佳績, 化學及經濟均考獲5* 而英文及M1則考獲5級 本人過去曾就讀於喇沙書院, 能力無庸置疑, 更重要是本人深明考生在修讀時所遇到的困難, 善於以短時間破解學生的困惑, 務求令學生成績突飛猛進 公開試在即, 是否
教學進修 / 補習盧俊陶

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween / Cocktail / Christmas / Clubbing / Annual Dinner (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween/ Cocktail / Christmas / Club Dance (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])

2016 Wedding DJ & After Party(With New Lady singer & Lady DJ)
P結婚 / 婚禮演奏P.S Wedding

深灣(近香港仔遊艇會) - 公司船位出租或出售 - Company's Moorage for Rent / for Sale

專業現場DJ服務 / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Grand opening / Cocktail / Clubbing / Fashion Show (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])
表演藝術 / 活動管理XLARGE LIVE Co.

we have wondered why the locals aren't all out sailing at every opportunity enjoying the second-to-none marine environment. Boat ownership seems to be just too big a hurdle in HK.

消閒及娛樂 / 好去處新生互動農場

Simpson Marine: In Asia since 1984Simpson Marine is well established in Southeast Asia with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and China. Overview Simpson Marine was first es

Having specialised in boat, yacht and general marine chandlery since 1977, we feel that we have the right experience, suppliers and stock to offer a level of advice, service and value to serve you th
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