影樓1800呎,13呎樓底寬敞舒適、足22尺全黑背景拍攝檣,24呎L型開揚大窗戶充足自然光拍攝 適合電影廣告,短視頻拍 多款顏色背景紙、道具,大量真植物 專業XPOLE鋼管舞,空中瑜伽設備,大型健身器材,戰繩TRX, 適合婚紗攝影、初生嬰兒/孕婦、大型家庭照、寵物、攝影影友會、瑜伽活動場地 獨立化妝位置,更衣室洗手間,免費Wi-F上網 B&OA9藍牙喇叭,煮食用具,茶水間、雪櫃,免費飲用水機。
攝影及影音 / 攝影Siuman Yuen

商科名師,逾十年教學經驗,橫跨私人補習、學校及補習社。曾任職國際投行及跨國金融機構,具HR、會計及金融專業。頂尖學府MBA,大學主修科全A。學生涵蓋名校生、國際學校生、大學生及在職專才。戰績彪炳:IGCSE A-A*,DSE 5-5**,IB 6-7分,AL A-A*,BBA/MBA A-B。成功助學生入讀牛津、劍橋、港大等名校。
教學進修 / 補習頂尖商科導師

School Vision & Mission Po Leung Kuk aims at a quality education for all, advocates an all-round education embracing the academic, moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects「德、智、體、群、美」, and ta

Steel metal works,鐵器工程,Structural Steel Works,鋼鐵工程,地盤鋼鐵製品,鋼結構工程,臨時鐵器工程,Sheet Metal Works,Steel&Metal Work, Structural steel Engineering,steel structures。
設計 / 建築香港煌商佑鋼鐵實業有限公司

In the Beginning The story of La Salle begins in 1917 when the Brothers of St. Joseph's College opened a junior school on Chatham Road, near Rosary Church. Kowloon was expanding rapidly at this time

大小類型鋼鐵制品,欄河,沙井蓋,電綫井蓋,不銹鋼梳冷,泵蠆架,隔沙,龍頭箱, 淋花柱,香港馬路欄杆攔河,裝修鐵器工程,裝飾鐵器工程,熱浸鋅沙井蓋,熱鍍鋅渠蓋,臨時門,鉛水閘門,鍍鋅鐵門,熱鍍鋅支架,裝飾鐵器工程,不鏽鋼工程,不鏽鋼製品,防火門,火牛房門,燈箱,信箱,欄河扶手,不锈钢防撞柱,不锈钢玻璃夹,不锈钢马路拦河,冷貨五金加工。
設計 / 建築香港煌商佑鋼鐵實業有限公司

香港各類形不鏽鋼製品及不鏽鋼工程,中電標準不鏽鋼貓梯,不鏽鋼公共藝術雕塑,不锈钢去水渠冚,不鏽鋼制房門,不锈钢玻璃夹,不鏽鋼玻璃槽,不鏽鋼防撞柱,不鏽鋼墻身扶手,S.S消防喉陇门,中電牛房門(防火或非防火),銅雕刻電鍍工藝,不鏽鋼牛房百葉(帶鼠網),不鏽鋼貓梯(帶門仔 貓籠),不鏽鋼箍喉配件,不鏽鋼戶外欄河,S.S消防入水制,不鏽鋼消防喉嚨門
商業 / 建築及建造洪炎城市街道傢具有限公司

商業 / 建築及建造洪炎城市街道傢具有限公司

商業 / 建築及建造洪炎城市街道傢具有限公司

Your wedding dress is the essence of your special day. A spectacular wedding gown with an exquisite sense of simplicity and elegance is the very one you need to enhance your natural beauty .

The Ark Veterinary Clinic was established by Dr. Kylie Griffin in 1995 as a companion animal clinic and hospital. Having worked in Hong Kong for five years prior, Dr. Griffin's aim was to provide the
T寵物 / 獸醫The Ark Veterinary Hospital

We are a group of experts in providing college level assignment & dissertation coaching & writing services (Management, Finance, Economy, Marketing, Supply Chain, etc.) 100% Self creation
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U設計 / 時裝設計Uniform Power

Class IV high power laser light show special effects graphics and live laser animation. Professional high power laser rentals provided to film shoots, concert tours, trade shows, corporate events
表演藝術 / 設備出租Custom International Laser Light Show Rental

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