M音樂 / 教學進修Ms Lam[紅磡區及黃埔區]

場地適合舞蹈室/鏡房/排練室/瑜伽及空中瑜伽班房/工作坊/多用途活動室 可進行商務發佈會、會議室、放影會、培訓場地、教學課室、TRX健體班。大廈雲石大堂,24小時開放租用,設獨立男及女洗手間,冷熱水沖身設備等。地點方便毗鄰鑽石山地鐵站(3分鐘步程),多條巴士線直達港九新界。

保良局羅氏信託學校 PO LEUNG KUK LAW'S FOUNDATION SCHOOL 中文地址 新界元朗公園南路26號 英文地址 26 Town Park Road South,Yuen Long, New Territories. 服務類別 嚴重智障兒童學校 電話 24810828 傳真 24841085 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.pl

匡智元朗晨曦學校 HONG CHI MORNINGLIGHT SCHOOL, YUEN LONG 中文地址 新界元朗錦繡花園荔枝北路133號 英文地址 133 Lychee Road North, Fairview Park, Yuen Long, New Territories. 服務類別 中度智障兒童學校 電話 24822820 傳真 24820718 電郵地址 yuenlong@hongc

In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

The College About The College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is a grant-in-aid secondary school in Hong Kong. It was founded on December 16, 1919, by Tsui Yan Sau Peter. It is a Roman Catholic secondary

元朗公立中學 元朗水牛嶺公園南路 Yuen Long Public Secondary School Town Park Road South Shui Ngau Leng, Yuen Long 電話:24762357 中學 津貼 男女 全日制 元朗區 室外運動場,電腦室,圖書館,多媒體語言室,視藝室,音樂室

古典鋼琴 流行鋼琴 聲樂 弦樂 敲擊樂 木管樂 銅管樂 歌劇 粵劇 戲劇 獨奏會 合唱 管弦樂團 表演 排練 專業音樂廳 排演室 場地直播演出 ABRSM 認可考試場地 考琴錄音 二手琴買賣服務 Zoom Meeting Recital Hall
H音樂 / 教學進修HK iMusic Academy 香港創意音樂學院

Tutor Time 多多 Locations : Kowloon Tong | YOHO | Braemar Hill | Mid-Levels Email: [email protected] Fax - (+852) 2507 5445 Open Hours: Mon - Fri 9 am - 6 pm Facebook: https://www.facebook.

Experienced teaching Japanese at language school. Finished 420 hours teaching Japanese as second language course. You may enjoy speaking Japanese with experience native tutor, any level.
w教學進修 / 語言課程windowlanguage

Our school was established in 1984, the third to be affiliated with the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance. We are a full-time aided co-educational secondary grammar

出租-專業音樂廳 排演室 歌劇 粵劇 戲劇 獨奏會 合唱 管弦樂團 表演 排練 場地直播演出 ABRSM 認可考試場地 考琴音樂錄音 二手琴買賣服務 親子唱歌課 Recital Hall
H表演藝術 / 場地佈置及出租HK iMusic Academy 香港創意音樂學院

Year 2009-2010 3rd Term Exam Timetable is already uploaded, Please Click Here to download. 2009-2010 3rd Summative Assessment 2010-06-03 The 3rd Summative Assessment will be held on 8th June (Tue) to

Our Philosophy: Individualized/Customized Education Each child is unique, and every child has his or her own set of interests, desires, personality characteristics, goals, motivations, strengths and

🌟 专业補習,協助學業,不代寫作业!🎓 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學一級榮譽經濟學(榮譽)學士及碩士畢業,經濟學博士生。曾任大學合約導師及國際金融科講師,專攻金融市場、股票、債券、期貨等。學生遍佈加拿大、美國、香港、英國等地。提供線上輔導統計、經濟、金融、數學及會計等科目。每小時收費:$280港幣。請聯絡WhatsApp:63656639。 Statistics tutor Stats tutor
教學進修 / 補習陽光知識教育

Its original name was Ellis Kadoorie School For Indians. Ellis Kadoorie set it up, an Indian Parsee who was later awarded knighthood. It was the first school in Hong Kong where Hindi and Urdu language


伯特利中學 錦繡花園F段4街11號 Bethel High Schl Fairview Park, Fairview Park 聯絡:24712622
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