A汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠AES汽車配件用品Auto Extra Shop

Living Colors 花適生活為一間柔合傳統花藝設 計及現代創作概念於一身之花、禮品專門店 提供 悼念花籃 歡迎查詢 Our Mission Your satisfaction is our first priority!! We understand that our flower arrangements carrying
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花花適生活

also available for scheduled tours for individuals and small groups. Private charters are accepted on a first-served basis from groups, individuals or companies.

Melrose Flower 6628 4330 Lois Yam We provide wedding flowers & planning services,flower arrangement, event decoration, gift bouquets& baskets etc. Order 2 months in advance
M鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Melrose Florist HK

24小時 客貨車預約 24hour Call Provided Van Rental

持牌 (牌照號碼: 1158)提供護理安老院宿位

‎ 2011年又有最新駁髮技術面世啦,真係城中靚女既大喜訊!! 今次最新既技術係~ , 膠紙駁髮技術~~ 其實係針線4cm闊 髮片製作,覆蓋度高,就算短髮或本身bob頭者都好適合 髮片均衡放在髮根上,不容易令頭皮造成敏感 時間只需45分鐘,比其他方式駁髮快達2小時完成 美國(全美模特兒比賽) 均用呢個方法幫參賽者改變型像 挑起一小撮頭髮,以塗上膠水一面的髮片墊底 2011空運到港 德國~

Our product lines range from fragrance, emblems, body kits, mirrors, interior accessories, bulbs, auto lamps, and many more.

Convention Plaza Apartments is one of the Hong Kong's most prestigious residential addresses. Located on Hong Kong Island
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Marriott Properties (Int'l) Ltd

Our Scope of Service:Performance Tuning,Alignment Service, ECU Tuning, Transmissions, Brake, Suspension Upgrade etc.

有感於現時市面大多數車會只安排100cc二衝程賽事,令新手於金錢上及體力上難於應付,因此發起 "香港車神聯盟",以安排80cc二衝程賽事為主,令更多新手可以用比較相宜的價錢一嘗小型賽車的滋味!

手機程式開發,免費報價,歡迎查詢。提供各類網絡應用程序(web Application)開發,配合並擴展你原有系統功能。

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

Welcome to Peak Florist, providing fresh flowers and arrangements since 1972. We've been constantly working to be the best florist with the most extensive selection of fresh flowers. We take great pr

We have formed the subsidiary company named Chit Shun Enterprises Co Ltd for manufacturing and global marketing.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾捷順國際興業有限公司

KC Design Consultant 自創立始一直堅持以精心設計改善生活質素及提升個人或企業形象及品味為最終目標. 每個設計項目都以獨一無二之方針進行,並且以手工精密及專業角度為客戶提供優質可靠之設計.
K設計 / 珠寶設計Kuen Cheung

KC Design Consultant 自創立始一直堅持以精心設計改善生活質素及提升個人或企業形象及品味為最終目標. 每個設計項目都以獨一無二之方針進行,並且以手工精密及專業角度為客戶提供優質可靠之設計.

自家製~新娘花球 為籌備婚禮而煩惱的準新娘,為佢地製造一個獨一無異的新娘花球,另外,新郎襟花,主人家襟花,姊姐手花,另有生日花束,情人花束,畢業花束,送禮果籃....全港可送貨***亦歡迎來圖製作,有興趣的朋友,可以隨時聯絡,絕對樂意回覆 6414 2168 黎小姐~ 套餐: 玫瑰花球+新郎襟花1個$580 送頭花 風信子花球+新郎襟花1個$680 送頭花 繡球/鬱金香/馬蹄蘭花球+新郎襟花1個
鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Sum's Florist & Balloons
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