We offer flexible timings unlike most other mediums of training, students can pick their schedule according to their availability. We share videos of each Workday HCM training tutorial
d教學進修 / 專業課程draketucker42

TVP-hk.com has a one-stop technology solution planning and consulting team that is familiar with the needs of the Hong Kong market.
t商業 / 顧問tvphktechnology

SW Institute of Knowledge Enhancement (SWiKen) has launched the HKICPA QP Enhancement Course and FE Enhancement Course for Jun 2020.

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate tonch LED buttons or touch screen control interface; The pnematic clamps of top and buttom three point provided for the magazine
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A Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Data Center (CCIE Data Center) professional is responsible for planning, design, implementation and management of the complex modern IT data center infrastructure
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音樂 / 教學進修Music Cupcake

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消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地Eiffel Lounge And Entertainment

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Estate planning is not about your death but the effect of your death financially on your loved ones, including your minor children should the unthinkable happen.

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; Memory funcion, control the order of PCB's pass in and out;
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Three cute Bengal kittkens for adoption owing to the health condition of the owner. Please contact me through whatsapp +852 55738455 for more details!
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Pro. Science/Lab Teacher with more than 20 yrs teaching experience in HK, can do in zoom.; worked as Lab Mgr of a big westerner lab for more than 5 yrs in Tor.  University & High School studies in CA.
m教學進修 / 補習monkeyshanshan

2008年於香港大會堂高座演奏廳舉辦在港首次小提琴演奏會, 教授成人小提琴班 | 兒童小提琴班 | 小提琴演奏級 | 小提琴老師 | 小提琴班 | 小提琴課程 | 小提琴老師,被選為Civic Orchestra of Chicago中MusiCorps之一員,到芝加哥多個中小學及公園作示範演出

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The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some
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