piano, theory, GCE Music, Performing, Accompaniment
A音樂 / 教學進修Alexis Lai Music

豪華7人私家車預約用車服務 - 連司機 所有車輛為2014年豐田Alphard均有運輸署發出的豪華私家車許可出租證 - 商務租車/機場接送/接送等候時租日租
汽車及電單車 / 租車豐興汽車服務

New friendship or a serious relationship - 34 (Hong Kong)

Cooling Principle Evaporative cooling is responsible for the chill you feel when a breeze strikes your skin. The air evaporates the water on your skin,with your body heat providing the energy. By for
家居 / 園藝及戶外設備霧化降温工程 outdoor cooling

專業 而 單身?請承認這一點,你每天過的庸庸碌碌, 匆匆忙忙, 您挺滿意自已辛辛苦苦建立的一切, 你所取得的成績和您獲得的成就,但是,仍然覺得心靈上缺少了很重要的一塊...您可能試過在網上搜索,通過朋友介紹或去過無數次夜店想尋找那個缺少了的一塊?但結果只遇到無數的癡漢瘋子傻子情癡情聖?不要再浪費心機和時間了!!BEYOURS是您的解決方案的。 BEYOURS,香港首屈一指的撮合服務,幫助您遇見到那

we strive to share high quality artworks with art lovers for appreciation, investment and collection.
G消閒及娛樂 / 好去處Galerie Ora-Ora

art jamming, drawing class, nude painting class, Private Party, Birthday party, Company gathering, Opening Exhibition

also available for scheduled tours for individuals and small groups. Private charters are accepted on a first-served basis from groups, individuals or companies.

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.


銅鑼閣是一間精品服務式住宅,聳立於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近多間大型商場、日資百貨公司、餐飲食肆及娛樂消閑熱點。銅鑼閣交通便捷,往來銅鑼灣地鐵站(C出口)只需徒步一分鐘。房間設備齊全,備有獨立的洗手間 。月租由港幣15500-23000,已包括水費,電費,連線寬頻上網,本地電話,每月清潔房間8次,彈性租期,由三天到一年 。
C物業地產 / 服務式住宅Causeway Corner

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Woops Workshop 是一所以設計為主的工作室,提供服裝/制服及平面方面的設計服務,以及服裝/制服采購和製造。 我們能為客戶提供︰ 1. 時裝方面的資訊。作為以設計為本的工作室,我們深明服裝趨勢,亦更容易跟客戶設計師溝通; 2. 包攬所有設計方面的工作。客戶能從而集中資源於其他方面; 3. 多元化及多工種服裝製造。自家廠房能操作梳織類、針織類、男/女裝的製造,並且能自行操作繡花、印花、
設計 / 時裝設計Woops Workshop

Categories: Wedding Accessories、Custom Text Roses、Roses With Photos of Your Choice、Create Your Own Peronalized Bouquets、Rose in a Box、 Flower with Vase
P鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Personalized Roses Hong Kong

We are totally dedicated to providing leading edge Internet technology and high quality custom software solutions and services.
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫創啓數碼有限公司

Clean Air Services ( CAS ), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Clean Air Group (HK) Ltd., has engaged in air-conditioning design, installation and maintenance since the eighties. To cope with the todays
C商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Clean Air Services

Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge. Airport check-in
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Hi Lee (H.K.) Transportation Co., Ltd.

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital
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