除了浪漫情歌能夠感動人心,Groovy Stringers 亦希望以輕鬆愉快的節奏讓觀眾享受音樂。就算2枝簡簡單單的木結他, 也能打造一個不一樣的婚禮。 Groovy Stringers 提供婚禮、派對、公司宴會的現場演奏服務,收費豐儉由人。各樂手均有豐富的音樂學歷及演湊經驗,擅長不同的樂器及音樂類型。 *不包括PA system,價錢是乎場地大小或個別要求而定。
f結婚 / 婚禮演奏freewaysa

US Leading furniture designer and manufacture

Product Design,產品設計,3D model,Rendering渲染,Design Consultant,Branding,Toy Design,Furniture,Freelance
C設計 / 產品設計Chelston Ng Design

訂造或翻新高級梳化,餐椅,卡座,防撞設施,特色軟牆,圍身板,酒店式梳化設備,辦公室梳化設備,窗台墊,窗台座位,床屏。 歡迎個人或公司來圖報價查詢。
M商業 / 辦公室傢俬及設備My Own Style Furniture

GREENSCREEN Facade System, Vertical Green Walls, Project Management, Fitting Out, Sustainable Installations 室內裝飾、翻新、專業綠化及可持續能源系統的安裝及特殊建築項目 - 工程策劃及技術支援的專業團隊
Y商業 / 建築及建造Your professional partner

專為客人提供同聲傳譯及會議系統, 團隊導覽系統, 語音導賞系統
音樂 / 器材維修及出租傳聲系統工程有限公司

Magento 網上商店,Magento Platforms,網頁設計,Web Design,Responsive網頁設計,Magento模板,online store,shopping cart system,ecommerce solution,Magento Development,Magento Cloud Hosting
1設計 / 網頁設計1951113918

傢俬和櫥櫃訂造,以及室內設計與裝修工程, 網上經營,價格實惠 / Affordable online furniture and kitchen design and home renovation

Crescent, Tung Chung, Mid-level, good sea view, with full furniture and electric appliances, two rooms
物業地產 / 住宅出租黃小姐

e設計 / 網頁設計education company

Our services: 1. PA system 2. Hall sound system 3. Acoustics engineering 4. Audio system design and repairing 5. Projector 6. Conference AV system 7. Signage media
L攝影及影音 / 影音Linker Technology

Annual Dinner | Exhibition | Lighting System | Sound System | Backdrop | Stage | Wedding Decoration | Wedding Live Band | Performance | Design | Carnival
M音樂 / 音響工程MP88 Event Production CO. LTD

系統電腦維修中心 上門電腦維修 維修電腦 安裝IPCAM TEL:37468000 website:http://hk-system.net

Office Furniture, Relocation, Moving, Contracting, Panel, Desk, Chair, Computer Desk, Compactus, Storage Rack, Filing Cabinet, 屏風、辦公檯、辦公椅、 文件櫃、鐡櫃、木櫃、趟門櫃、掩門櫃、推櫃、貸架、電腦檯、沙發、轉椅、升降檯、會議椅和會議檯。
設計 / 室內設計創思工程(香港)有限公司

The Easy System Founded By Billionaire To Teach You How Make Money In Singapore

韓國B-TOX Peel Skin Renewal System 海藻矽針美療。首次💲199 首次試用後可以亨有💲999/3次。 保證沒有其它附加費用。 優惠適用於新客戶、男女均可。

Hiring an expert to handle these challenges is very expensive nowadays. Thinking of cost-effective solutions? Our outsourcing services are definitely your choice! We can assist companies to overcome c
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