美甲、gel甲大家唔洗再怕磨機啦^^本人引入日本最新品牌,連硬gel都唔需要用機架!安在家中都可以享受到所有服務啦! 另有上門美甲,歡迎查詢^^
m美容 / 美甲melody

逾10年私人補習、校內及補習社教班經驗, 曾到著名Investment Bank 及跨國金融公司工作, 有HR、會計及Finance相關的工作經驗
, MBA, 更有學生於考試穫取佳積, 得Oxford、Cambridge、HKU等著名大學取錄
P教學進修 / 補習Professional

兩姊妹涼皮有限公司 餐廳位於荔枝角青山道473號地下A號舖(兼善里)

A商業 / 印刷A Sky Creative

Studio La Lune is a yoga and wellness boutique studio in the heart of Central. It can host up to 12 people in a yoga settings (following COVID rules) and up to 20 people in a sitting or standing set

Prisma Coffee Company 餐廳位於北角炮台山屈臣道3A號地舖

Our Lady of the Rosary College was founded by the Sister Announcers of the Lord in 1971. We follow the preventive model of educational philosophy founded by Don Bosco, the great educator. We move stu

小蜂兒 (The LOHAS) 餐廳位於將軍澳康城路1號The LOHAS3樓Pop-Up Zone A A01號舖

Its original name was Ellis Kadoorie School For Indians. Ellis Kadoorie set it up, an Indian Parsee who was later awarded knighthood. It was the first school in Hong Kong where Hindi and Urdu language

《Back.lot》— back you up a lot 荔枝角多用途場地租用 1600呎場地;大量器材、設備提供 影片/相片拍攝,會議,座談會,私人聚會 專業拍攝用cyclorama現已提供預約 長沙灣光昌街鴻昌工廠大廈3C

Our school was first established at a site in Sai Ying Poon through the generosity of the Kadoorie Family in 1890's. The Hong Kong Government assumedthe school management in 1916 and the school later

學校歷史 School History 1872年美國基督教宣教士校祖那夏理女士於廣州創立真光書院,開南中國女子教育的先河,至今已有一百三十多年歷史。 1935年至1973年間先後在港開辦香港真光小學及中學、九龍真光中學、香港真光中學及真光女書院。 1975年堅道校舍開辦香港真光英文中學,1995年遷校鴨洲,1999年改名為香港真光書院,2010年慶祝三十五周年校慶。 Ms Harriet No

CCC Heep Woh College is a school seeking excellence. It is a family rich in tradition as the origin can be traced back to 1911 when Mrs. Bigelow set up Heep Woh Kindergarten in Guangzhou. We try our

~沙田區商場旺舖精品水晶店經營中,尋找有緣人合作夥伴經營及擴展業務~ ~免加盟費低成本創業~ ~時間彈性可兼職做老闆~ ~對天然水晶有興趣~ ~需熟悉IG/Facebook/網店營運~

Cozy main event area may be freely configured to meet the specific needs of event, including placement of the furniture and position of the projection screen. Welcome up to 45 guests in a seminar
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