
學生考試成績高達142分 每月學費:一級$450/二級$500/三級$550/四級$600/五級$800/六級$1100/七級$1200/八級$1400
J音樂 / 教學進修Janet Wong

倫敦大學畢業教英文 Graduated from London University offering private/group English tutoring to any age group. I had resided in the UK for over 10 years and have excellent command of English language to native

【沙田/大圍/馬鞍山區教琴學琴】 ♫ 中文大學音樂系 鋼琴女教師專業教琴學琴 ♪ ATCL dipABRSM 耐心盡責 熱誠教學 請致電 Miss Li 62418801

One free trial lesson 一次免費試堂
*運動及健身 / 水上運動***European Union Professional Swimming Instructor 歐盟游泳教練***

數學(Core and M2) 及科學, 物理(all core and elective subjects), GCE/IAL (Edexcel,CIE, AQA, OCR)(C1-C4, Mechanics1-2, stat1-2, decision 1-2, Futher pure 1-3) , GCSE (Edexcel,CIE) , IB diploma programme
c教學進修 / 補習cnyelements

Master of Performance (Royal College of Music), Bachelor of Music (HKAPA), LTCL (Distinction-Trinity College of London)

Native English Teacher born and raised in England. Jolly Phonics method. The Oxford Reading Tree. The Cambridge Kid’s Box. The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests and Trinity Examinations

高爾夫教練教授揮桿技巧,姿勢及動作,適合初階、高階及深造班高爾夫教學. 另有小組興趣班,每班2~4人,學費由 $200/小時起。

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Create • Inspire • Excel 無限創意,啟動未來 Art Loft Creative Arts Centre 擁有豐富國際視野及敎學經驗, 致力培養兒童及青少年釋放思考及創造能力; 亦同時提升個人氣質及擴闊成長生活層面。

Offering private tutoring for 'Design and Technology' for IGCSE and IB during the summer of 2016(until mid September 2016).
I教學進修 / 補習IB Design and Technology Tutor

長笛. 牧童笛. 鋼琴. 樂理. 電子鍵盤. 電腦音樂私人教授 Flute. Recorder. Piano. Theory. Keyboard. Computer Music private lesson - 已考獲英國聖三一音樂學院長笛演奏級,皇家音樂學院8級長笛, 鋼琴, 牧童笛 。 ATCL in flute (Trinity College), Grad

- 英語/普通話/廣東話教授各級試潛/潛水及攝影課程, 帶領本地及海外旅遊, 歡迎查詢。 - English/Chinese Snorkeling/ Trial/ Fun Dive/ Course local and abroad at all levels, join us underwater!

-交通便利, 1分鐘內可到達銅鑼灣地鐵站 -包全屋傢俱, 雙人床, 獨立洗手間, 浴室。 乾淨企理 -包全屋電器, 冷氣, 雪櫃 -無線上網 -高清本地電視 -適合公司短租, 交換生, 旅遊 -可長或短租 -有意可電郵 [email protected] 或致電 (852) 95840204 查詢. - Fully furnished with private shower/toilet,do

A female native english with extensive experience tutoring student in Hong Kong, oral english for adult and young learner
J教學進修 / 補習J.Goodman

British English Tutor for oral english, written english and interview skills 英國西人外語導師補習小學, 中學, 大學, 在職(口語及一般文法寫作, 面試技巧)
W教學進修 / 補習William
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