
小丑丁丁:表演藝人,曾任職香港海洋公園全職演員,演出經驗豐富, 表演項目包括:生日會,雜耍,扭波,舞台劇等等. 更奪得2012香港魔術節-小丑魔術大賽亞軍

小丑Sound Sound 是一位對氣球製作及小丑表演充滿熱誠的小丑。 2016年日本JBAN國際氣球比賽5分鐘快手賽準優勝(亞軍) 2016年美國國際小丑錦標賽(拉斯維加斯站)簡約小丑化妝服裝項目季軍,單條氣球項目冠軍,組合氣球項目亞軍,氣球擺設項目冠軍

Chalk Studios is an outdoor and indoor private party venue located for rent in the heart of Hong Kong’s Lan Kwai Fong, reserved for exclusive private parties.

The Party Room and Band Stage 1600平方尺場地, 室內有舒適装修。

Children Workshop offers high standard extra-curricular classes in art, English, dance and playgroup. The team of passionate highly qualified teachers provide an engaging educational experience in eve

地址 8/F, Railway Plaza, 39 Chatham Road South, TsimShaTsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南39號鐵路大廈8樓 電話 (852) 2333 1863 傳真 (852) 2333 5135 電郵 [email protected] Facebook: https://www.face

Kinder Path擁有二千多呎的校舍,環境設計多元化,落地玻璃視野廣闊,自然光線融合室內各活動空間,孩子可以透過環境學習。

We offer a full range of medical, surgical and hospitalisation services for companion animals.
T寵物 / 獸醫The Ark Veterinary Hospital

A caring and professional veterinary clinic in Yuen Long area 一所貼心及專業的獸醫診所
p寵物 / 獸醫petcoreyl

診所服務: 內、外全科, X-光檢查, 驗血檢查, 小便檢查 , 眼科手術, 骨科手術, 洗牙護理, 留院服務, 殮葬服務, 健康證明書, 各種預防針注射, 健康檢查,由鄧老師提供的動物行為訓練課程,超聲波分析。
D寵物 / 獸醫Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic

Welcome to Dr. Eric ’ s Animal Clinic 歡迎光臨黎昌生獸醫診所 Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic is located in Happy Valley and Tseung Kwan O. The two clinics are own and operated by Dr. Eric Lai. The practice is no
C寵物 / 獸醫Creature Comforts

Being pet owners ourselves we understand your concern and strive to provide the best possible care for your pet.
寵物 / 獸醫順心動物診所

Mission Statement Tin Hau Pet Hospital provides the highest quality holistic medicine and alternative therapies available for dogs, cats, birds, and exotics. Our goal is to improve the quality of lif
T寵物 / 獸醫Tin Hau Pet Hospital

尖沙咀獸醫診所 TSIM SHA TSUI VETERINARY CLINIC 診症時間 : 星期一至星期六 星期日及勞工假期休息 <敬請預約> 上午 10:00 A.M. -- 1:00 P.M. 下午 3:00 P.M. -- 7:00 P.M. 收費: $220 (針藥另計) 地址: 尖沙咀柯士甸道156D地下 (佐敦地鐵站D出口) G/F., 156D, Austin Roa
寵物 / 獸醫尖沙咀獸醫診所

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