D'note chooses products from japan because they are more suited to the hair texture of asians.D'note also has a variety of products to suit the needs of different customers

Located at the nexus of Central, Lan Kwai Fong, and SoHo, Knight on Wyndham offers everything you expect of any serviced apartments: Prime location Facilities & comforts Privacy & security &q
K物業地產 / 服務式住宅Knight on Wyndham

EURALIBRE 歐翔旅運 業務範圍: 旅客運載 商業聯絡 陪同翻譯 考察觀光 參加會展 預訂酒店 我們是一間在法國註冊的載客旅運公司、持有政府發的營運執照 (Licence n°2008/11/0002028) 。 我們為閣下提供在法國 ( 巴黎 ) 及歐盟其它國家各種類的遊覽或考察行程 (multivan 6 至 8 人 ) ;甚至其它自訂行程。歡迎隨時電話電郵查詢。 自由迷你團
e旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村euralibre-歐翔旅遊

hm PRIVATE i SALON is located in Causeway Bay district, another salon of PRIVATE i SALON Group, which specifically for young OL market.
h美容 / 髮型設計及護髮hm PRIVATE I SALON

HAIR BRAIDING & SETTING ☆ cornrows, milkmaids, and any other specific styles upon customer's requests. currently based in HONG KONG. interested? bookings @: email: [email protected] phone: 8529

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts

美容 / 化妝花妝薈Handmadegift

服務領域:中港過境, 商務包車, 酒店接送, 醫院接送, 結婚花車, 旅游觀光, 機場接送, 碼頭接送等.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠快富汽车租赁有限公司

We are manufacturer & exporter. We have over 30 yrs experience in manufacturing cords & tapes, such as cords made of different materials, knitting & pattern tapes. We have factory in Chin

本髮廊於旺角快富街MTR(A2)開業己5年,一向服務己客為先,1200餘尺,地方闊大舒服.......洗剪吹。。70.。染色150起全包。。電髮150起。。負離子直髮200起。。。多年經驗。。。。。hair cut... 70...color150...ion strianght...200.....perm...200....treatment..80....monkok,,MTR(A2)..

About P & L Associates The history of P & L Associates begins in 1989 when Mr. Allan Luk and Mr. Harry Tsui, the founders of the Company, started their software development programme for CSA,
P手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫P and L Associates


Tsim Sha Tsui, Studio for art jam party, also cater onsite art,offers private & group art class for kids or adults, perfect choice for you, art jamming event & lessons www.artexplosion.com.hk

銀禧國際旅遊有限公司提供各式團體康樂旅遊、遊艇、海上婚禮、安排私人沙灘、旅遊巴士、自駕車、轎車、七人車、結婚花車、婚禮統籌策劃、酒店接送、機場 接送、粵港車租賃、中港車、客貨車租賃及承包政府接送服務

A汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠AES汽車配件用品Auto Extra Shop

好消息! 好消息! 快來 Baby Dreamland 全港首間室內 Thomas & FriendsTM 主題影樓, 與 Thomas、Percy、James 拍攝一輯靚相, 我們將Thomas 特色故事轉化成可愛精緻的場景, 由我們攝影師以專業拍攝手法為小朋友與 Thomas、Percy、James、Harold 及肥控制員一起拍攝漂亮相片, 捕捉小朋友最真摯最自然的童年時刻。 全城
B攝影及影音 / 節目及活動Baby Dreamland Portraits Studio

Since 1984, Lucky has been striving to achieve total customer satisfaction in all areas of our operations, reflecting the high standards and strong brand image of Lucky product worldwide. This philos
設計 / 珠寶設計力奇發展有限公司

24小時 客貨車預約 24hour Call Provided Van Rental
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