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Hello everyone! Private Saxophone Lessons available now! 私人色士風課程 現正招生 I am professional and qualified saxophone teacher with rich artistic background and now based in Hong Kong. Great if you are looki
k音樂 / 教學進修karol.kijas

We are a full service law firm founded in Hong Kong in 1985. As one of the first law firms licensed by the PRC Ministry of Justice to establish two law offices in the People's Republic of China, in B
V商業 / 法律事務Vcc Law Services

CG Initial Studio is a Hong Kong based business specialising in high quality computer generated 3D architectural images and animations. Working from your ideas,sketches,or CAD drawings,we create real
設計 / 電腦動畫思哲設計工作室

Calvin Chan 香港教育大學 音樂教育文學碩士 香港教育大學音樂教育榮譽學士 特殊教育 (副修) ATCL Violin LTCL Viola • 香港青年愛樂樂團首席 ·香港青年愛樂樂團重奏組中提琴手 ·香港教育大學管弦樂團中提琴首席 . Modern Music Ensemble (EDUHK) • 香港南區管弦樂團導師 • 香港希望之聲慈善基金

Founded in Shanghai in 1857, Wheelock and Company Limited is a listed investment holding company (Stock Code: 20) headquartered in Hong Kong. The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 4) , the Groupˇ
物業地產 / 地產代理公司會德豐有限公司

2020過左一半 今年你有無進步?⬆️ 其實進步好簡單🔑 Sara Beattie College為你提供超過330個證書網上課程📱 想知多d?👉 Sara Beattie College ✅與美國網上學習平台合作 ✅職業發展諮詢 ✅專人跟進學習進度 ✅及時完成課程更獲獎學金
S教學進修 / 專業課程Sara Beattie College

Meta On-line Limited – an Innovative and sound IT solutions provider whose goal is to address the needs and challenges of SME. Our purpose is to help our customer run their business more effect
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫綽邦系統有限公司

Sedna is the pioneer technology firm that applies RFID technology in supply chain and logistics field. Since our inception, we have been dedicating to use software engineering to solve complicated pr
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫思納系統有限公司

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PTE Academic 英文精讀班 [附過往試題] 1️⃣ 課堂內容: 考試策略與實戰, 改善港式英語, 免費包括 notes & past paper 2️⃣ 導師背景: PTE 90 分 (滿分), IELTS 8.5, 澳洲碩士生, 能有效協助學生拿取 79+ 級別分數 3️⃣ 費用: 首堂半價, 每堂 1 小時. 課堂亦可於 Zoom / Skype 進行 ✅ 另有提供 IELTS 訓練

JP Networking Solutions is a full service of Networking and Office solutions provider located in Hong Kong and China. Our Mission is to be the turnkey solution provider of choice for business in PRC,
J手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫JP 網絡工程站

表演藝術 / 舞蹈Les Danseurs

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Company Mission ServiceTech (Hong Kong) Limited specializes in planning, developing and implementing Management Solutions. We offer BMC Business Service Management (BSM) product suite as a core, and

Application essays for EMBA program and assignment essays for some university biz and biz-related IT courses (e.g. OXFORD'S fintech, MIT'S AI: Implications for biz strategy)

Herbert Sir 是香港少數同時擅長中、西弦樂器的樂團指揮。畢業於拔萃男書院及浸會大學音樂系,主修演奏及教學法。1999年起從事音樂教育工作至今,曾於多間本地名校擔任樂器導師及樂團指揮,包括協恩中學、培正中學、培正小學、伊利沙伯中學、聖芳濟書院、東華三院黃笏南中學、聖士提反女子中學附屬小學、浸信會呂明才小學、協和小學等。

Pan-Art Oil Paintings Co. Ltd. is a global wholesale supplier of oil paintings and frames based in Hong Kong, China. We provide original and reproduction oil paintings ranging from commercial to muse
P消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Pan-Art Oil Paintings Co. Ltd

Wellness checks Wellness checks are our way of encouraging you as an owner to look at preventative medicine in a new way and not just rely on vaccination. Cats are notorious for masking their illness
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital
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