Home electroncis, Toys, PIR Light, Charger And Humidifier
T設計 / 產品設計Tai Fung

This well maintained home situated in the most terrific location in Hong Lok Yuen. Magnificent open mountains view overlooking the whole Hong Lok Yuen below.
W物業地產 / 住宅出租William Ho Design Associates Ltd

car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts; motor inspection and car grooming services, etc.

SocialPlus aim to provide a casual social platform for YOU to meet new friends, business partners and companions

We provide free WIFI internet broadband. Comparison to other serviced apartments, our room rate is reasonable and flexible monthly leases. Please feel free to contact us for reservation.

Our professional team is eager to provide creative yet practical ideas to make your dream come to reality.

We strive to provide the best service,innovative concept and unique design to our valued customers.

We specialize in interpretation and interface design for visitor centres and museums, thriving on challenging projects with complex deliverables.
設計 / 電腦動畫怪物動畫室有限公司

我們主要承辦個人,學校,政府機構及私人團體的魔術課程, Magic Home 課程著重於理論與實踐。 導師均為多年經驗,熱誠及有責任感的表演者。希望學員從學習中能培養良好及正確對待魔術藝術的態度。
m表演藝術 / 魔術magichome

承接:泥水間牆,鋪瓦,水電,油漆(翻新)牆紙,做木,鋁窗,搭棚,水電等工程 有意請電 93611175 黃生
家居 / 室內設計及裝修登韌裝修(工程)有限公司

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

Miss Yan English 於 專門為香港學生提供一對一專業英語補習服務,成立於 2012,綜合區內主要學校試卷 🌎P.4-6呈分試操練,🎓F.1-3 補底,📚F.4-6 DSE,☕️IB Eng 上課後亦會給家長詳細分析問題和進度,務求能跟家長一齊雙管齊下,協助學生達到應有的國際英語水平
M教學進修 / 補習Miss Yan English

手機app預約上門按摩推拿,打風落雨都可在家享受按摩服務。技師手法專業,提供床單衣物,衞生安全。技師都經過嚴格培訓,擅長中式推拿、SPA、頭療和淋巴排毒等多項目。無需出門,技師上門,最快30分到達 ,正規安全!新客戶可享HKD300優惠券,首次下單HKD999項目即可使用。 🌟港式穴位按摩 優惠價:HKD449 (60分鐘) 🌟港式精華Spa 優惠價:HKD699 (90分鐘) 上門按摩 上門

櫻花專為公私營場所提供日常清潔服務🧽 ✅寫字樓清潔 ✅工商業大廈清潔 ✅學校清潔 通通都可為你提供最合適嘅清潔方案💡
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲櫻花家居服務有限公司

提供現場音樂 :小提琴/大提琴/結他/鋼琴 ,音響設備及音響人員,編曲服務
M結婚 / 婚禮演奏Mitis Chamber Live Music
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