Eagle Co-Work提供您開始創業所需的一切: 座落於地舖位置, 集辦公室、會議室、展銷場、倉庫於一身, 空間大小及位置可以協商洽談; Eagle Co-Work舒適的工作空間, 希望融匯來自不同背景、擁有不同技能的人有緣聚合一起, 往往不單能帶給彼此一些新啟發, 同時可為彼此帶來嶄新的合作關係和協作機會。 Eagle Co-Work成員都有共同信念,創造力和創新將為香港帶來更好的社會。

Startup首選!Co:Work SOLO 助您踏出成功第一步!Co:Work SOLO一個獨立而寧靜的工作環境,適合各行業人士作交流舉辦工作坊,研討會,培訓和私人活動,Co:Work SOLO都能滿足所需。每月最低$1,800。地址鄰近銅鑼灣地鐵站F出口,巴士直達108 8x 10 19 76。任用 Hot Desk,特大公共休憩空間,舒適沙發區
C物業地產 / 共用工作空間Co:Work SOLO 小姐

OSOME – a company that provides technology-powered incorporation, bank account, corporate secretarial, accounting, tax and work permit services. It also gives company owners a very handy dashboard.

不論 商業 或 住居 空間 都有豐富經驗資源 助你實現 繁荣既生意 ,舒適既居所 www.sekkeimugen.com

Hello, I am an average built Eurasian in HK. I have done modeling for clothing, products, life-body-art modeling for art / photograph. Contact me if anyone needs a male model for these work or others.

商業 / 創業加盟Eagle Co-Work

T&W Concept Work Shop Limited 濼敍工作室有限公司專營飲食出牌,餐廳出牌, 設計連承造, 專業商鋪設計, 辦公室設計, 學校設計, 住宅設計, 學校設計,學校裝修工程, 驗樓服務, STEM 教室設計
t設計 / 室內設計twconcept

Work Together 共享工作空間 提供 流動工作枱 / 私人辦公室 租用。租期靈活、地段方便、 24小時開放。

T&W Concept Work Shop Limited 濼敍工作室有限公司專營飲食出牌,餐廳出牌, 設計連承造, 專業商鋪設計, 辦公室設計, 學校設計, 住宅設計, 學校設計裝修工程, 驗樓服務
t設計 / 室內設計twconcept

Become a website tester and get paid $10 for 20 minutes of work from home!

The Work Project
t商業 / 建築及建造the work project

y音樂 / 器材買賣yoo_hyemin

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties.
T物業地產 / 商務中心Taikun Space

The Work Project is a membership based workplace that delivers a work experience that is holistic: humanistic, inspirational and multi-sensory.
t商業 / 會社、組織及團體the work project

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

免費上門舊衣回收 SecondLife提供一個方便大眾回收衣物的渠道,透過免費上門回收,希望讓衣物有第二物生。 回收的衣物經過篩選後,會作轉售或回饋社會的用途,物盡其用,減少浪費,實踐SecondLife的宗旨"Everything Has Its Value"。 歡迎WhatsApp預約 WhatsApp: 9503 0763⁩ FB @Secondlife.hk免費上門衣物回收服務

Grow your business successfully with historical data using deep learning and anaylze what people is looking for? We are also into the research work in the field of Machine learning and Deep Learning.
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