WHOLESALE & RETAIL IMPORT & EXPORT FOR CHINESE ARTS & CRAFTS, JADE, MAMMOTH TUSKS, SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES & IVORY Telephone: + 852 2366 2607 + 852 2366 7488 + 852 2311 4627 FAX: + 852 2

提供 修手 修腳 手足護理 gel手 gel腳 畫花 雕花 全套soak off gel 星期一至日 恭候預約 68597977
美容 / 美甲家家

Henna, Senna, 海靈草, 上門, 染髮

March Nail & HAIR 最新迎新優惠~馬上登入及讚好March Nail & HAIR Facebook專頁,即享迎新優惠!!!優惠期有限^^請致電預約!!! TEL3489 8441

Who we are? A World Class Environmental and Health-care Products' Distributor. The core business focuses mainly on distributorship and marketing of various environmental and health care consumer &amp

譚英傑律師行 - 樓宇買賣服務 樓宇法律服務:樓宇買賣手續‧物業按揭‧按揭律師‧聯名購買物業‧物業轉按‧物業加按‧贖樓‧居屋買賣‧樓宇買賣授權‧物業加名‧樓宇近親轉讓‧物業轉名 如果想要更加詳盡資料就e-mail或打去問: [email protected] & 27891068 & 98032015 (Mr. Ho)

滅蚊機滅蚊燈滅蚊器 M O S Q U I T O
家居 / 園藝及戶外設備滅蚊機 滅蚊燈專家 太陽能滅蚊總代理公司

Company Information: 敝公司專門代客生產設計各類款式石英手錶、錶鉭及小型檯鍾。更在深圳 自設生產線廠適合各公司、牌子形象作禮品及OEM之用,在市場成為專 有及暢銷。現附上目錄乙份,僅作參考之用。其它款式為客戶專有,不能 盡錄。如有任何報價歡迎來電查詢。 此致 We are manufacturers of watches, insert watches, small meta
M設計 / 珠寶設計Mr. Kenneth Ng

KINGSMART LTD. 領賢有限公司,sparco, omp, racing suit(賽車服), karting suit(卡丁車服), k&n air filter(k&n風格), ngk sparkplug(ngk火咀) 聯絡:Mr. Yeung 電話:2796 1767 電郵: [email protected] 網站: http://www.kingsmar

We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

伊仕媚熱銷品!!! 草莓口味的夾心餅乾,一天一包,好吃、方便,保養你的身形。 伊仕媚極塑新主張孅受餅 口感酥脆, 只要一天一包,使用簡單,方便攜帶, 可搭配牛奶或果汁使用(也可直接當早餐) 保持美好身形! ◎六大美麗極塑成份:綠咖 啡、膠原蛋白、左旋肉鹼、木瓜酵素、藤黃果、錦葵 ◎四大完美保証:cGMP藥廠製造、不含西藥、不含重金屬、富邦無限額保險 ◎全新草莓口 味強力推薦 ◎一天一包,維持好身
美容 / 纖體修身唯美纖體美容護膚中心 {PERFECT BEAUTY & FITNESS CENTER }

D'note chooses products from japan because they are more suited to the hair texture of asians.D'note also has a variety of products to suit the needs of different customers

[公司簡介] 歷派軟件開發有限公司(Parellax Ltd.)是一家香港公司,國内總部設在深圳。歷派專門緻力于亞太地區服裝紡織行業中高端軟件系統的研究、開發、咨詢和實施,其知名品牌歷派MAE服裝行業ERP系統早在1998年就已成爲該行業的領導者。 歷派公司是Oracle公司的戰略合作夥伴,可以爲服裝紡織企業提供零售分銷管理系統(Distribution & Retail Solutio
G手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Global Support Offices

Apart from being the manufacturer and exporter of pearl jewellery, Rio Pearl is also famed for wholesaling loose pearl and pearl strands in all kinds including South Sea, Tahiti Cultured, Akoya, Fres
R設計 / 珠寶設計Rio Pearl


hm PRIVATE i SALON is located in Causeway Bay district, another salon of PRIVATE i SALON Group, which specifically for young OL market.
h美容 / 髮型設計及護髮hm PRIVATE I SALON

誠信汽車 - Sincere Motors Network Co.Ltd We offer one stop used car trading services include: - Buy car - Sell car - Consignment We offer European & Japanese car trading services with attractive pric
S汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Sincere Motors Network Co Ltd
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