多用途工作室出租 由$3,000 起

位處尖沙咀購物旺區, 人流極旺, 租金全包 租期靈活,3個月試業都得! 租務熱線: 2910 7878

Eaton Club newly opened 10th floor at Three Garden Road in Central consists of over 17,000 sq ft of space for offices and event space facing Victoria Harbour.

A New Era for Ying Wa in the Footsteps of Morrison When we celebrate the 200 th anniversary of the arrival of Rev Morrison in China in 2007, Ying Wa enters a New Era? An era which exemplifies the fou

In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

The Evangelical School Development Incorporation Limited (ESDI) is the sponsoring body of the School. It was established in August, 1962 by a group of devoted Christians for the sole purpose of spons

天成室內設計裝飾工程公司 業務包括住宅公司寫字樓室內外裝修設計、 打水晶地蠟、修補地板、維修翻新浴缸浴室浴池,清拆還原廚房浴室 及訂造木製傢倶傢俬、組合地櫃廚房組合廚櫃、水電冷氣維修工程、 安裝鋁窗、天台美化工程及樓宇維修等,天成設計裝飾工程承辦商 豐富裝修經驗質,深受顧客信賴和肯定,免費為香港客戶報價服務, 歡迎電話香港天成室內設計裝飾工程公司 : 60383582

We are located very conveniently within a few minutes walk of Tai Po Market station and Uptown Plaza at Yat Nga Court. The kindergarten is a well designed purpose built school comprising of eight cla

泰華木業有限公司自設廠房,專業承造各類木門及安裝工程 門市地址及電話: 旺角: 旺角弼街30號地下 +852 2398-9233 灣仔: 灣仔駱克道402號地下 +852 2234-0198 寫字樓: +852 3428-2613

For over 22 years, Kids' Gallery has been the pioneer for youth arts education in Hong Kong with its centres offering the best creative arts programmes across Asia. Our centres are located in Kowloon

Our School Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College is an aided secondary school established in 1971. The school adopts English as the teaching medium in all classes and for all subjects. It prepares st

CCC Heep Woh College is a school seeking excellence. It is a family rich in tradition as the origin can be traced back to 1911 when Mrs. Bigelow set up Heep Woh Kindergarten in Guangzhou. We try our

順紀清拆工程,是一家有20年專業團隊清拆經驗的公司 業務範疇包括:清拆僣建物, 寫字樓商業地鋪還原,清傢俱 雜物, 上建築材料. 宗旨:一貫以客為先; 提供令客戶信賴的超設值服務;安全施工,快捷企理;是家值得您委託的公司。 多年來客戶反應良好,客戶推薦客戶,客戶的支持及信任是最好的後盾。 歡迎隨時致電,電話:68086982 ,免費上門報價

專業的清拆還原公司,成立至今已超30年。為家居住宅,店鋪,酒樓,寫字樓,大廈外墻,僭建等提供專業的清拆還原、建築材料配送、廢料雜物清理等服務。憑著豐富的經驗,特平價格,安全快捷的清拆理念,定能令顧客稱心滿意。 安全安心 價格實惠 快捷企理 Tel:66893007

> 家居、寫字樓、商鋪、廠房、美容院、大小工程....等 * 擁 有 20 多 年 豐 富 經 驗 *

萬豪移民顧問有限公司是一間根據香港法例成立的移民公司,榮膺香港最有價值移民顧問大獎,經由澳洲政府移民代理註冊局以及 新西蘭政府的移民顧問管理局(NZIAA)辦公室許可辦理移民服務。萬豪 團隊集結了移民及教育界精英。熟悉移民法規,並在資深註冊移民顧問的帶領下提供移民咨詢及服務。與此同時,萬豪也會與海外聯營註冊會計師、商業顧問等合作夥伴緊聯繫,為顧客提供一條龍的移民配套服務,以滿足不同的需要。

Opened in late February 2016, AIMS Immigration Specialist (HK) Limited is the 6th overseas office of the Singapore-headquartered leading immigration consultation firm – AIMS Immigration Specialist.

KA YUEN 共享工作室不僅僅是一個共用辦公空間, 想要建造一座社群。 認真同時也充分享受生活,所以工作室提供 𣈱飲茶水,wifi,儲物空間,影印,前台服務,休息區等為你叉電。 除一般辦公室的 Perks & Benefits ,KA YUEN重視社群的建立,透過定期舉辦社交和工作坊,邀請各行業的前輩分享經驗,集思廣益,凝聚力量,幫助您建立和維持強大的團隊文化。

銅鑼灣商務中心 銅鑼灣怡和街46-54號麥當勞大廈 銅鑼灣商務中心離希慎廣場,時代廣場僅數步之距; 設有多間50-200尺全新裝修服務式辦公室;可供2至6人辦公,設備齊全,即租即用; 超過20年的行業經驗,客戶為先、品質保證、長駐專材、設施優越、全面支援; 提供公司地址註冊、公司秘書、信件代收、傳真處理、專線接電、來電接駁、影印打印等商務服務
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