
most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

o0o~*現加推出熱辣辣Promotion!!優惠期有限,多謝各位姊妹一直頂力支持*~o0oo0o~Plan A單色GEL甲 - (手) $160/ (腳) $228~o0o(只限9:00am~3:00pm非繁忙時段)閃粉/閃條/閃片/貝殼粉 (包修甲,缷甲)o0o~Plan B法式GEL甲 - (手) $160 / (腳) $228~o0o (只限9:00am~3:00
I美容 / 美甲In-House

Categories: Wedding Accessories、Custom Text Roses、Roses With Photos of Your Choice、Create Your Own Peronalized Bouquets、Rose in a Box、 Flower with Vase
P鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Personalized Roses Hong Kong

Wolfman Jack Entertainment Wolfman Jack Entertainment Ltd., a company located in the U.S., has achieved and established its name and successful reputation, for promoting concerts and booking artists.
W旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Wolfman Jack Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd

Full Service Hair Care: Men’s Haircut | $10,Children’s Haircut | $10, Women’s Haircut | $20.
S美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Salon Square髮型屋

we strive to share high quality artworks with art lovers for appreciation, investment and collection.
G消閒及娛樂 / 好去處Galerie Ora-Ora

Black hair styling, cornrows, dreadlocks, braids, kinki twist, hair extension
美容 / 髮型設計及護髮HONG KONG BRAID

銅鑼閣是一間精品服務式住宅,聳立於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近多間大型商場、日資百貨公司、餐飲食肆及娛樂消閑熱點。銅鑼閣交通便捷,往來銅鑼灣地鐵站(C出口)只需徒步一分鐘。房間設備齊全,備有獨立的洗手間 。月租由港幣15500-23000,已包括水費,電費,連線寬頻上網,本地電話,每月清潔房間8次,彈性租期,由三天到一年 。
C物業地產 / 服務式住宅Causeway Corner

About KoKocolor Ever since its launch in 1996, KoKocolor has been an industrial leader in glass mosaic solutions. Countless customers have trusted us with their important projects, knowing the qualit

位於天后水星街23號,瞬間直達天后港鐵站,提供開放式套房及兩房單位以供選擇 Located at 23 Mercury Street in Tin Hau, few minutes to Tin Hau MTR Station, offers Studio and 2-bedroom apartments

We specialize in small batch special vehicles (e.g. tank truck, mixing truck, garbage truck, sanitation truck, sewage trucks, flatbed truck, freezer truck etc.)

SERVICE: > Checking Tire Pressure > Checking & Adding Oil - Checking Engine Oil - Harley-Davidson Motorcycles - Purchase of New or Used Motorcycles - Parts & Accessories - Service & Repairs.

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Main Focus is an exclusive agent of several reputable brands. Such as XX HID, enon HID, Focus 7 color meter as well as the quality EL dashboard.

Babylon Design Company Limited is a cutting edge graphic design company that specializes in providing an inclusive range of services to clients from all walks of life. We offer expert graphic and web
B設計 / 電腦動畫Babylon Design Company Ltd.

supplies a full range of audio, video, lighting and staging production.
攝影及影音 / 節目及活動卓思影音製作有限公司

omnidirectional all weather TV antenna for ships,Marine antenna,SSB Radiotelephone and related equipments,Satellite Ship Earth Communication terminal.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠快捷航海儀器有限公司

Let's Share Your Dream Wedding - We Provide Services for Gubahan Hantaran FreshFlowers & Artificial Flowers Hand Bouquet for brides, bridesmaid n flower girls Gubahan Sirih Junjung Hall Deco - Fr

art jamming, drawing class, nude painting class, Private Party, Birthday party, Company gathering, Opening Exhibition
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