
提供戶外傢具及燒烤用品,歡迎到Show Room參觀選購

[出租] 兩房新裝連傢電,位於中半山 房間數目: 2間睡房,1廚1厠,客飯廳傢電: 3部冷氣機,東芝LCD電視,洗水機,電磁爐, 雪櫃,抽油煙機及兩房衣櫃層樓: 高層景觀: 城市景起租期: 可即時合約類別: 年租包含: 管理費,差餉交通: 距離西營盤港鐵站只需5分鐘步行距離詳請:&nbs


環境舒適優雅 用具絕對衛生+852 55088730 (Whatsapp/ Line/ Wechat)
美容 / 紋身及穿環m_tattooart

Is Make Up & Nail 所有美甲物料均由總代理直接訂購 88DB 新娘甲做 SOAK OFF GEL /HARD GEL 手甲優惠$420任做 - 預約時請備註人使用88DB優惠 可供選擇顏色超過 300種, 以店主經驗混合選用 USAHarmony Gelish, USA IBD, USA Gelish, Korea Tok, NOQ, Memory, USA Cuccio等知名
結婚 / 結婚優惠Ivymakeupnail

免租一年, 優質服務, 安全, 迷你倉, 出租, 熱點, 元朗, 沙田, 火炭, 柴灣, 葵興, 近地鐵, 密碼鎖大門, 單獨房門, 安全可靠 符合防火條例, 儲存倉, 自存倉, 優惠, 迷你倉出租, Mini storage, Yueng Long, Sha Tin, Kwai Chueng, Chai Wan Metro, Metro Storage, store, rental, cost
商業 / 物流及倉儲城市迷你倉

MYLove Design HK was born in 2009. We are a young, joyful and modern wedding invitation, accessories and gift company. Our Customer commented us as inspiring designs, unique, different, humorous.That’
M結婚 / 買賣交易MYLove HK


Hi there, It' is very simple job. You will get paid by helping the company to get more databases in "5 STEPS STEP 1- Register by using the link below STEP 2 - Verify your email. (Will be shown in junk

Copywriting, Editing, Content Writing, Creative Writing, Translation, Proofreading
商業 / 撰稿wordphilocaly

有意收購新界或九龍區琴行/藝術中心 如想出讓者可SEND資料WHATSAPP到5445-2484 給鄧小姐(WHATSAPP ONLY) 價錢商議! AGENT/SALES免問!!

Drawings繪製: AutoCad平面圖則, 3dsMax立體圖

N美容 / 美甲Nail supreme salon

BOO, creates inspiring office and multifunctional spaces that provide an environment within which to work, to connect and to collaborate – a union of commerce, community and culture.

九成新電動醫療床。Model TC1-E3NB, 原價HKD12,000.00, 現售HKD5,000.00. 自取,搬運及安裝。

HarpTogether 繼 2015 暑期班, 即將開辦 2016 暑期豎琴課程!密切留意 harptogether.weebly.com We provide harp lessons Private lessons 30 minutes 60 minutes Duet lessons (for 4-6 year old students only) 30 minute
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