精英導師會: 因為專心所以專業, 我們只做: 英国,美国,德国,法国,西班牙,日語,韓国外籍老師上門一對一補習.  
教學進修 / 消閒興趣 - 其他課程精英外教 Elite Tutors

Hi, I am Vaghari,who is a French native speaker. I am a French teacher and I have a BA(hons) in French literature. I can speak fluent French, English and Spanish and have been teaching languages for 1

Hey, are you looking for a tutor? I tutor both children and adults in english with over 4 years of experience!

由英國老師教授,確保您的小朋友學習正確英國英語發音。針對幼兒的學習能力ability、需要needs和興趣interests,採用合適的教學方法(different approach)。免費試堂/評估,設計針對性及個人化的課程內容,包括Phonics, Early reading, Creative writing等。
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

LANGUAGE FIRST, 15 years of translation experiences! 香港專業翻譯公司 – 15年翻譯經驗,翻譯全世界語言!專業提供文件翻譯/即時傳譯/現場口譯服務! Consecutive Interpretation 現場口譯 and Simultaneous Interpretation 即時傳譯, TEL. 852+ 3110 5203
C商業 / 翻譯Cherry Chan

畢業於喇沙小學, 喇沙書院. 於英國劍橋大學考取英文學士榮譽學位. IELTS 考獲8.5 / 9. 連續多年擔任HKDSE英文科評卷員. 現職名校中學英文老師. 擁有多間名校入學卷、試卷及教師用書. 設有課後whatsapp群組支援學生學習進度.
L教學進修 / 補習Lotus Education

e教學進修 / 語言課程eslteachers_job

DSE寫作及口語英文班 (外籍老師教授)
E教學進修 / 補習English club

R商業 / 會計及稅務Richful Deyong International Investment Limited

Learning Putonghua to meet needs for social,work and daily basis.

Native English Speaker 主要 補小朋友 英文 拼音,會話 同單字 小朋友 : K1 - K3, P1 - P6 $150 - $300 / 一堂 有意者請 Whatsapp 我 - 6803 6826

倫敦大學畢業教英文Graduated from London University offering private/group English tutoring to any age group. I had resided in the UK for over 10 years and have excellent command of English language to native

show you a way to learn chinese easily! I am originally from Northern China and Mandarin is my mother language. Received Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee in 2005. I went to study
教學進修 / 補習Anna LI(李老师)

英國劍橋大學女畢業生誠徵中小學各級,國際學校,GCSE,IGCSE,IB,GCE A level,SAT補習,海外升學移民指導
b教學進修 / 補習bkenquire

Our team, specializes in Corporate and PRC businesses

年齡:按程度分班,2.5歲起 課程收費:12堂HK$3,000(1小時/堂)
教學進修 / 兒童興趣班北京普通話中心
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