Singer songwriter and experienced vocal coach who is skilled in singing, playing piano, keyboard and guitar.He was born in Hong Kong and raised in Canada.He speaks and he sings in fluent English.
M教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 聲樂Marvin Poon Vocal Academy

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I graduated from Imperial College London (currently ranked 6th in the world). I major in chemistry with ancillary courses for physics and maths. I am a full time private tutor teaching mainly chemistr
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1872

Exam 急救班,專門幫助總係爭幾分的學生
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1872

全職私人補習導師 - Private Tutor ( 化學補習、物理補習 、 數學補習 )、畢業(2012)於英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)世界排行第6,主修化學(Major Chemistry), 副修物理(Physics)及化學工程(chemical engineering)並獲得(2.1 honours degree)。 憑着豐富經驗並提供學生大量訓練
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1873

p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1878

全職私人補習導師 - Private Tutor ( 化學補習、物理補習 、 數學補習 )、畢業(2012)於英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)世界排行第6,主修化學(Major Chemistry), 副修物理(Physics)及化學工程(chemical engineering)並獲得(2.1 honours degree)。 憑着豐富經驗並提供學生大量訓
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1877

Exam 急救班,專門幫助總係爭幾分的學生
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1876

Exam 急救班,專門幫助總係爭幾分的學生
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1873

I graduated from Imperial College London (currently ranked 6th in the world). I major in chemistry with ancillary courses for physics and maths. I am a full time private tutor teaching mainly chemistr
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker1874

SW Institute of Knowledge Enhancement (SWiKen) has launched the HKICPA QP Enhancement Course and FE Enhancement Course for Jun 2020.


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