豐富授課經驗: 私人英文補習 Online or face-to-face tutorial 私人IPA Class及Phonics Class 非華語英文小學功課班 English Playgroup NET teaching assistant Please Whatsapp 67360661 Ms. Anne IG: https://www.instagram.com/eng_tutor_
教學進修 / 語言課程Private English Tutor

電話: (852) 5426 5083 ZOOM 網上IB 中文補習 2020年 7月 DSE 中文補習 IB CHINESE SL HL中一至中六中文補習小一普通話補習IGCSE中文補習IB 補習中文補習中六中文補習上門補習 DSE中文補習中四中文補習中一中文補習 中文補習 數學補習 普通話補習 網上英文補習
d個人及社區 / 輔導dse2022chin

A British-born Chinese myself, I am an HKU MBBS Student wanting to be a tutor and am confident to raise your expectations and apply for better universities!
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

Application essays for EMBA program and assignment essays for some university biz and biz-related IT courses (e.g. OXFORD'S fintech, MIT'S AI: Implications for biz strategy)

We are one of the few translation firms in Hong Kong that specializes in the translation of various types of Chinese documents (traditional/simplified) into English at an affordable rate.
N商業 / 翻譯New Voice Publishing Co.

Professional and experienced Japanese tutor 日語教學/網上授課/時間地點靈活/私人或小組/興趣班/日語考試/各年齡均可,可於西灣河, 柴灣, 銅鑼灣上課, 或視像教學,日語一級(評分A級)資歷, 全職日語導師, 細心有耐性, 教學經驗豐富, 可以英語,廣東話或普通話授課

普粵語雙通, 繁簡體皆能。可教任何程度的學生及公司課程,尤其對成人及專業人士普通話,更具心得。可在本人於中環的寫字樓, 本人家中或學生家上課。 給你講北京的文化,中國的國情;帶你讀美的詩篇,說最標準的普通話。

William擁有英國謝菲爾德大學生物化學與遺傳學學士學位(榮譽)學位。在英國求學期間已為外國GCSE和A Level學生補習四年之多。返回香港後,他的全職經驗令他很快熟悉DSE, IB, IGCSE, iAL 的考試技巧和分別﹐達至融會貫通。

香港本地中樂表演團隊,為你一站式提供專業的節目籌委和演奏家,為你度「心」訂造美好的音樂經驗。 歡迎查詢 : 9039-2718 黎小姐

CUHK Math First Class Honour, 7As in HKCEE, 7 year experience Tutor in IB, GCE/IAL, AP, IGCSE, DSE, Tutor of IB 45/45 achievers AND Cambridge elites

IB/GCE/GCSE/DSE TUTOR We provide the most student centric education services.
b教學進修 / 補習blueunicornedu

I am a Chinese,can speak fluent Cantonese,English and Korean. Having the teaching experience. Please contact me with the details.持流利普通話,廣東話,英語和韓語,有意者請電聯

IB/GCE/GCSE/DSE TUTOR We provide the most student centric education services.
b教學進修 / 補習blueunicornedu

Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士 /公司企業/水平測試考生 );母語普通話&廣東話&流利英語;彈性時間及地點; 聯絡電話:張老師(69007908)
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf

教學進修 / 補習精英外教 Elite Tutors

Due to the effect of school closures during the pandemic, student's academics are falling behind. Now is a good time to pick up the pace and catch up. 由於疫情期間學校運作大受影響,學生的學業直接受牽連。現在是加快步伐並迎頭趕上的好時機。

Experienced English Tutor *1 on 1 / small group lesson * flexible hours * custom lessons to kids to adults for academic/on the job/business use
u教學進修 / 補習ureallyhateme5

Experienced Private English Tutor provide: *1 on 1 / small group lesson * flexible hours * custom lessons to academic/on the job/business use * from school age to eager to learn working class
u教學進修 / 補習ureallyhateme5
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