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Our Lady of the Rosary College was founded by the Sister Announcers of the Lord in 1971. We follow the preventive model of educational philosophy founded by Don Bosco, the great educator. We move stu

祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) The long-standing

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Our Philosophy: Individualized/Customized Education Each child is unique, and every child has his or her own set of interests, desires, personality characteristics, goals, motivations, strengths and

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In the Beginning The story of La Salle begins in 1917 when the Brothers of St. Joseph's College opened a junior school on Chatham Road, near Rosary Church. Kowloon was expanding rapidly at this time

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For over 22 years, Kids' Gallery has been the pioneer for youth arts education in Hong Kong with its centres offering the best creative arts programmes across Asia. Our centres are located in Kowloon


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