LA MIA MODA 隆重登場 CALL FOR BRIDES-TO-BE 漂亮完美的新娘子,高貴獨特的首飾必能爲您於大日子中倍增令人驚羨的魅力 最新瑰麗結婚首飾系列隆重登場! 先試戴,後租買,大量款式配襯不同氣質的婚紗禮服,歡迎聯絡店主 TO BE A PERFECT BRIDE. WE ARE HERE TO HELP. HADE MADE WEDDING ACCESSORIES READ
L結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾La Mia Moda

本公司收費特平、服務態度好,令您和您的家人、朋友有一個愉快的海上之旅。 如有任何疑問,歡迎用 MSN 直接查詢。 如有興趣租船出海遊船河、想在船上搞私人或公司派對,夜釣墨魚等水上活動,歡迎致電 65065001 (Tony)查詢。 M S N :[email protected] 大家亦可登入 瀏覽有關資料。

Who we are? A World Class Environmental and Health-care Products' Distributor. The core business focuses mainly on distributorship and marketing of various environmental and health care consumer &amp

誠意徵求護膚及化妝課程Model(歡迎男女老幼參予) 徵求對象:只要年滿18歲或以上之男女便可,如對美容護膚或化妝有興趣者極之鼓勵參予。 目的: 在教授課程中,本人先會指導Model基本護膚知識或化妝技巧(免費),先打做一張水嫩滋潤肌膚,讓妝容更見自然、亮麗,本人亦會為皮膚上有問題的人士好樂意去幫在。同時完成後,Model亦會獲贈一份精心小禮物。另有牛骨瘦面減肥及通淋巴。 如有意參予請聯絡我-p

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美容 / 教學進修囍洋洋

THE LINEAR MAKATI Targeting the younger generation working in Makati, Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) has come up with The Linear, a master-planned mixed use residential and commercial development that en

An International Perspective to Greater China Legal Issues An involvement in client's industry approach is key to provide the most practical and cost-efficient service to the client. We have extensiv
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HKIPA was established in 2000. It is a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong. The registration number is CP/LICX/SO/19/26552. Our aim is to promote parrot breeding to the general public and
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港(國際)鸚鵡協會 Hong Kong (Int'l) Parrots Association

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If your are new to car insurance, want to switch to a differennt auto insurance company or are shopping for the lowest car insurance quote. I can help! I am a licensed insurance agent and also insura

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I write letters, proposal and handle claims for a living. In business for 14 years. Fully trained in law. If you need to send an appropriately worded letterGovernment departments, business partners o

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Creature Comforts is a fully equipped Veterinary Housecall Practice. Operating in a custom designed vehicle and with the backing of our own state-of-the-art veterinary hospital, Creature Comforts can
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Founded in Shanghai in 1857, Wheelock and Company Limited is a listed investment holding company (Stock Code: 20) headquartered in Hong Kong. The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 4) , the Groupˇ
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