中環健身室 租場服務 地點及交通便利 (1分鐘到達半山扶手電梯) 健身場地 健身室出租 租場 鏡房 瑜伽場地 時租活動室 瑜伽場地租用 中環租場

元峰水電冷氣潔具工程Tel:94039703(元朗,屯門,天水圍)水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖,水電冷氣維修安裝,承接各家居維修安裝 雪柜、洗衣機、乾衣機、浴室寶、冷氣、座廁、水龍頭、抽氣扇、門鎖、電制、 水電工程、專業修理、安裝冷氣、冷氣機清洗、電力故障維修、跳電制、維修座廁、星盆、水箱、洗手盆、水龍頭、通渠、開鎖、換鎖,註冊電業工程承辦商、小型工程承辦商
家居 / 通渠及水電工程元峰水電冷氣潔具工程94039703元朗,屯門,天水圍,水電冷氣維修安裝,水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖

電話: 51052616 專業師傅24小時上門服務, 用心為你建設美好家園 24小時開鎖換鎖, 家居裝修,水電工程,安裝遙控電燈, 專業修理,驗窗, 安裝冷氣,鋁窗門轆,廁所漏水, 更換電制 屯門開鎖 開鎖服務 元朗開鎖 天水圍開鎖 馬桶維修 坐廁維修 漏電跳制 24小時 緊急維修 電器 電掣 通渠 跳電掣 開鎖
家居 / 通渠及水電工程友誼水電

文記(24小時)拖車 電: 63300842 妥,快,穩,服務香港近廿載 換胎、撘電、開鎖、劏車、汽車相關服務。 拖車支援範圍 收費公道,絕不取巧,方便快妥

文記24小時拖車 妥,快,穩,服務香港近廿載 換胎、撘電、開鎖、劏車、汽車相關服務。 拖車支援 收費公道,絕不取巧,方便快妥

元峰水電冷氣潔具工程Tel:94039703(元朗,屯門,天水圍)水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖,水電冷氣維修安裝,承接各家居維修安裝 雪柜、洗衣機、乾衣機、浴室寶、冷氣、座廁、水龍頭、抽氣扇、門鎖、電制、 水電工程、專業修理、安裝冷氣、冷氣機清洗、電力故障維修、跳電制、維修座廁、星盆、水箱、洗手盆、水龍頭、通渠、開鎖、換鎖,註冊電業工程承辦商、小型工程承辦商
商業 / 裝修工程元峰水電冷氣潔具工程94039703元朗,屯門,天水圍,水電冷氣維修安裝,水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖

元峰水電冷氣潔具工程Tel:94039703(元朗,屯門,天水圍)水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖,水電冷氣維修安裝,承接各家居維修安裝 雪柜、洗衣機、乾衣機、浴室寶、冷氣、座廁、水龍頭、抽氣扇、門鎖、電制、 水電工程、專業修理、安裝冷氣、冷氣機清洗、電力故障維修、跳電制、維修座廁、星盆、水箱、洗手盆、水龍頭、通渠、開鎖、換鎖,註冊電業工程承辦商、小型工程承辦商
應急服務 / 通渠及水電工程元峰水電冷氣潔具工程94039703元朗,屯門,天水圍,水電冷氣維修安裝,水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖

元峰水電冷氣潔具工程Tel:94039703(元朗,屯門,天水圍)水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖,水電冷氣維修安裝,承接各家居維修安裝 雪柜、洗衣機、乾衣機、浴室寶、冷氣、座廁、水龍頭、抽氣扇、門鎖、電制、 水電工程、專業修理、安裝冷氣、冷氣機清洗、電力故障維修、跳電制、維修座廁、星盆、水箱、洗手盆、水龍頭、通渠、開鎖、換鎖,註冊電業工程承辦商、小型工程承辦商
家居 / 通渠及水電工程元峰水電冷氣潔具工程94039703元朗,屯門,天水圍,水電冷氣維修安裝,水喉,電制,潔具,座廁,水龍頭,浴室寶,抽氣扇,洗衣機,開鎖

The Evangelical School Development Incorporation Limited (ESDI) is the sponsoring body of the School. It was established in August, 1962 by a group of devoted Christians for the sole purpose of spons

佛教善德英文中學 Class Organization 班級結構 Level 級別 Number of classes 每級班數 Secondary 7 中七級 1 Arts class, 1 Science class 文科一班,理科一班 Secondary 6 中六級 1 Arts class, 1 Science class 文科一班,理科一班 Secondary 5 中五級 3 Arts

Our Philosophy: Individualized/Customized Education Each child is unique, and every child has his or her own set of interests, desires, personality characteristics, goals, motivations, strengths and

Children Workshop offers high standard extra-curricular classes in art, English, dance and playgroup. The team of passionate highly qualified teachers provide an engaging educational experience in eve

At The Little Gym of Hong Kong, we specialize in unique educational classes that revolve around active play.

Our School Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College is an aided secondary school established in 1971. The school adopts English as the teaching medium in all classes and for all subjects. It prepares st

Our school was established in 1984, the third to be affiliated with the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance. We are a full-time aided co-educational secondary grammar

In the Beginning The story of La Salle begins in 1917 when the Brothers of St. Joseph's College opened a junior school on Chatham Road, near Rosary Church. Kowloon was expanding rapidly at this time

Our school was first established at a site in Sai Ying Poon through the generosity of the Kadoorie Family in 1890's. The Hong Kong Government assumedthe school management in 1916 and the school later

YuenLongNewly decorated Room for classes hourly/monthly rate (computer equipment provided) 附近元朗廣場、人流不段、交通方便、設施齊備、無需佣金
教學進修 / 課室出租Professional Centre

鎖閘易- 服務地區:新界、九龍、港島(離島、村屋或其他偏遠地區另議),提供:開鎖、換鎖、裝鎖、配匙、換鐵閘鎖、木門、鐵門、捲閘、自動門、指紋鎖、密碼鎖、電子鎖、夾萬開修、汽車開鎖、密碼電鎖、家居電器維修,服務熱線:46788855
s家居 / 開鎖sly2342002

YuenLongNewly decorated room for interest classes on average $120-$220/hr (computer equipment provided) 附近元朗廣場、人流不段、交通方便、設施齊備、無需佣金
物業地產 / 辦公室出租Professional Centre
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