Her other fashion narrative film Refraction was in competition at the Shaded View on Fashion Film in Paris and was shown to an international audience at the Centre Pompidou.
R設計 / 時裝設計RI.by.CARRIE

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M消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

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M消閒及娛樂 / 約會服務Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

服務包括: 單人或私人約會, 中港約會
M消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

服務包括: 單人或私人約會, 中港約會
M消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

服務包括: 單人或私人約會, 中港約會
M消閒及娛樂 / 約會服務Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

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Avivasoft Limited About Us Founded in 2003 to develop & deploy a powerful integrated web-based messaging and collaboration application. Avivasoft is privately held and headquartered in Hong Kong.
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提供服務包括: 洗髮及造型, 髮質護理, 染髮 , 技術挑染, 電髮 , 負離子直髮等.

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