致力與顧客一起創造、細味生活的藝術。 接著不同客戶的需要,我們提升了更多元化、更優質的服務,專業服務範圍包括: 園藝設計、園林綠化工程 、植物租賃及保養等
家居 / 園藝及戶外設備原形流水擺設專門店

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

寵物 / 會社、組織及團體五方寵物有限公司

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

首先我會用儀器幫你做一個免費既健康評估分析,注:係不收一分一毫 俾你知道你既健康狀況~ 有需要我地會搵營養顧問為你設計一個適合你既改革計畫 可以幫到各位 公司營運了30年,產品仲有30天無效退款保證, 大家不仿試試囉. 如果有乖乖聽我話,係120%會改善到健康的 如果你又想減肥, 可以大家交流下嫁,或者搵我啦 我msn:[email protected] 電話:6188 7871 搵p

THE PAST THE PRESENT THE FUTURE OUR POLICY THE PAST THE PRESENT THE FUTURE OUR POLICY Back To Top THE PAST Since its beginning in Hong Kong in 1994, Havering Radcliffe (HR) has delivered numerous Qua
H旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Havering Radcliffe Ltd

Tsim Sha Tsui, Studio for art jam party, also cater onsite art,offers private & group art class for kids or adults, perfect choice for you, art jamming event & lessons www.artexplosion.com.hk

Attention to all the passionate ART LOVERS out there, who breathes, craves and desires ART Expose to the world for the very first time in Hong Kong . Exhibition: JLEE 360 Artist Reception: March 8th,

Zion Wealth Management Company - 個人 - 透過financial health check 實現如儲蓄、外遊、置業、子女教育、退休等;商戶 - 強積金、團體醫療、商業貸款等 聯絡人 : Tommy Tam 譚堅信 - Tel: 9080 8202 - Fax: 2956 3642 - Email: [email protected] 地址 : Suite

詳細網址: http://www.igoodlink.com/c_hepatitisB.htm 客戶 可透過本公司 購買驗身券,憑劵可於本公司指定 政府認可已 註冊 之化驗中心作身體檢查 ,驗身券 上已詳列指定化驗 中心之 地址、電話及辦公時間 。 指定之化驗中心分別位於: 1. 銅鑼灣 京華中心 2. 佐敦 佐敦薈 3. 佐敦 華豐大廈 4. 上水 新豐路 所有檢查項目由註冊一級 醫學 化驗師
健康及醫療 / 身體檢查活聯顧問

$350可以做D咩?$350可以做一個身體檢查!?無錯,$350可以做一個準確嘅身體檢查!絕無花假,而且安全快捷準確! 即時有報告可取,及有專人為你講解報告詳情,方便快捷最適合老人家,小朋友及繁忙嘅你! 本中心著重於 預防勝於治療 之理念,為大眾提供以下服務: 精密電腦分析體質 運用先進電子體重分析儀,準確無誤分析出你的體重以及身體中的脂肪﹑肌肉和水份含量的比例,讓你一目了然。 經絡診斷創先河
s健康及醫療 / 身體檢查sally970762003

Categories: Wedding Accessories、Custom Text Roses、Roses With Photos of Your Choice、Create Your Own Peronalized Bouquets、Rose in a Box、 Flower with Vase
P鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Personalized Roses Hong Kong

We are a small cattery located in Hong Kong. We specialized in producing both Himalayan & Exotics, including colorpoint & lynx point. We are not a pet store and do not provide “stuck se

Manks Quarters Limited is the real estate arm of Manks Limited
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Manks Quarters

Vaccination There is a great deal of controversy about vaccination at the moment and we are frequently reviewing the situation so we can make the most up to date recommendations. DOGS - Dogs should r
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

经络是中国传统中医学体系的基础概念,“经络”一词首先见《内经》,《灵枢 · 邪气脏腑病形》说:“阴之与阳也,异名同类,上下相会,经络之相贯,如环无端。”又如《灵枢 · 脉经》中说:“经脉者,所以能决死生,处百病,调虚实,不可不通。”它主要论证经络循行线,和它的生理功能、病理变化及其与脏腑之间的关系
C健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Chinese Meridian Computer Testing

Normal 0 0 2 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 時間任擇 , 學歷中五以上 , 懂基本電腦運作 肯學肯做 , 有責任感 , 良好的態度 收入可觀 , 兼職可達 $5,000 -$ 8,000, 全職可達 $12,000 - $15,000 而且彈性上班時間 , 有進升空間 , 提供完善在職培訓 , 甚至有機會參加海外訓練 如果你
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