
O結婚 / 婚宴請柬One Dream Wedding

The Performance the Maximum Speed ​​the Ascent: 16.4 FPS / 5 m / S Descent: 9.8 / 3 m Hover Accuracy Vertical Number of: 3.9 / 10 cm lt Horizontal: 3.3 / 1 m the Maximum Altitude is Above Se

Professional Make-up Service available | Based in Hong Kong | In collaboration with C.Y. Fan Photo (www.cyfanphoto.com) | Fashion, Sports, Event Make-up with hairstyling | Professional Portrait Photog
美容 / 化妝CY Fan MUA

柏炘創作公司 (Cypress Art Company) 是一間紮根香港的平面設計、網頁設計、手機應用程式設計和互動裝置開發的公司,我們重視用戶體驗,整合視覺美學與各種硬軟件媒介,發揮想像力,必定能滿足不同客戶的需要。www.cypressart.com.hk / [email protected]
設計 / 平面設計cypressart

WHOOPS is a HongKong-Based Design Workshop. Working Experiences(Full-Time) : | Advertising Design | Publishing House | Design House |
w設計 / 平面設計whoopsworkshop

設計 / 平面設計freshgradesign

flyer, ebanner, menu design, EDM, digital proposal, CMS website, google ad, Posters, ePosters,Web Banners, Animated GIF web banners, EDMs, Thumbnails, LINE App, Instagram,Twitter Post,Facebook Post Gr

DJI Mavic Pro Fly more combinations Remote control 3 x Mavic Quadcopter intelligent flying battery 5 x 8330 Mavi Drone quick propeller propeller shaft clamp charger charger AC power cord 16 GB microSD

關於我們 顧客欣賞到CaffeBear咖啡師在面前近距離沖調咖啡,分享到咖啡師精彩的拉花技術,從中一起學習,一起分享咖啡沖調知識,這些接觸與聯繫都很特別。 咖啡車到會服務,咖啡與拉花藝術只在顧客前一瞬間完成,但這卻是一種聯繫。我們深信,一杯優質咖啡與拉花,可以讓每個顧客感覺到咖啡師的熱誠同執著,令每一次到會活動增添一份活力與熱情。 我們的公司 Caffe Bear Move Car是一架可移動
結婚 / 場地佈置Caffe' Bear Move Car

Apps Financial Functional Online Training the Oracle ( One to One Online Training) Duration: 25 Sessions, Fee: 25,000 INR Fee Course, the For, the Demo and Time Slots, Business Card AT training@oracle
s教學進修 / 商管課程sridevikarnataka

This well maintained home situated in the most terrific location in Hong Lok Yuen. Magnificent open mountains view overlooking the whole Hong Lok Yuen below.
W物業地產 / 住宅出租William Ho Design Associates Ltd

荃灣Party場地, 任飲任玩,全場1000呎,派對包場,特色場境,生日聚會,工作坊,私人音樂會,JAM歌,興趣班,工作坊,求婚,桌遊, 派對租場,聯誼聚會,party room,party house,派對,Party,生日派對,節日慶典,週年紀念,家庭日,公司派對

I am looking for a mature, clean and quiet female flatmate to share a 2 bedroom apartment with me in Tsing Yi. The apartment is newly renovated and homey in a high rise building in a quiet and green l

私人教授Music:,私人教授Art:, 提供各類型的合辦課程: Ms Liu :[email protected]
C音樂 / 教學進修CherryLiu

各優惠拍攝套餐熱賣中!獲獎香港婚禮攝影師,為你度身訂造拍攝每個別出心裁的 Pre-wedding 婚紗照,用照片記錄著每個真實浪漫的場面,拍攝地點包括香港、澳門及海外各地。
結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影Kenneth Lee Photography

各優惠拍攝套餐熱賣中!獲獎香港婚禮攝影師 Kenneth,為你度身訂造拍攝每個別出心裁的婚禮,用照片記錄著每個真實浪漫的婚禮場面,拍攝地點包括香港及海外各地。
結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影Kenneth Lee Photography

品牌故事: CUPCAKE 一詞源於1828年, 我們秉承著其精緻, 耀目色彩, 為品牌的理念. 旨在每一位都可把這 “甜而不膩” 的 Cupcake 真正擁有。 CUPCAKE 透過英國及本地設計師的 Cross-Over, 推出了活潑多色,小巧實用的產品。

We are located at the heart of the financial center in Central. Close to Sheung Wan / Central / Hong Kong MTR station and Airport Express, International Finance Centre (IFC), Four Seasons Hotel, The C
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