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A商業 / 顧問Ajay Varma

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Harrison Property Agency Tel / Whatsapp: Eric +852 64973188.
E物業地產 / 住宅出租Eric Shek (代理人)

牆身畫 • 塗鴉服務 - 餐廳商鋪大廈裝飾畫
w商業 / 建築及建造wallcreative

Harrison Property Agency Tel / Whatsapp: Eric +852 64973188.
E物業地產 / 住宅出租Eric Shek (代理人)

單位介紹位於屯門泥圍菜園村,全新平房村屋一房一廳間格,獨立洗手間,可電爐煮食,一排窗空氣流通, 有水有電有分錶,在泥圍牌坊徒步五分鐘到達雋林村屋再步行十分鐘就到達菜園村,交通輕鐵泥圍站-至兆康西鐵站,路邊有通宵小巴往返市區九巴63X佐敦(渡華路)263M--香港鐵路青衣站68A香港鐵路青衣站53荃灣如心廣場金輝地產公司 Kam Fai Property Agency Co.**單位可隨時入伙,歡迎
O物業地產 / 住宅出租Owina Lau劉小姐

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
t商業 / 顧問treasure123

Hong Kong Commercial Property Agency in Office, Industrial and Shop is a state-of-the-art furniture sourcing and specification resource, easy to use and rich in detail, with everything you should need as a buyer - technical sheets, swatch boards, C
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